Current Work Plan
Current Work Plan
Month: May
New drafts expected this month:
Document | Responsibility | Status |
Guideline: ccNSO Actions Respecting the IANA IPR Community Coordination Group | Katrina | Submitted |
Guideline: Customer Standing Committee Charter Review Procedure | Bart | Not started |
Guideline: ccNSO Procedure for the Exercise of the Empowered Community’s rights to Reject Specified Actions | Stephen | Final review |
Documents under development from previous months:
Document | Status | Deadline |
Guideline: ccNSO Council Roles and Responsibilities | Draft | |
Guideline: ccNSO Travel Funding Guideline | Draft |
For public comment:
Guideline | Status |
Guideline: ccNSO Travel Funding Guideline | Draft |
For adoption by the ccNSO Council
Guideline | Status |
Guideline: ccNSO Council Election Procedure | |
Guideline: ccNSO Travel Funding Guideline | |