27 June 2016 - Helsinki

27 June 2016 - Helsinki


Participants: Alejandra Reynoso, Martin Boyle, Mirjana Tasic, David McAuley, Katrina Sataki, Stephen Deerhake, Maarten Simon, Dejan Djukic, Christelle Vaval, Ben Fuller

Staff: Bart Boswinkel, joke braeken, Sam Eisner

Guests:  Lise Fuhr, Matthieu Weill




Documents and presentations:

Chat transcript:

Joke Braeken: (6/27/2016 13:19) Hi everyone
Joke Braeken: (13:20) The ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee will start in about 10 minutes from now.
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:25) Hi Joke
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:26) Life good in ICANN?
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:30) oops, missed dial in - my computer went into mute :-(
Joke Braeken: (13:31) Hi Martin!
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:31) i can hear you over AC, but I missed the dial out
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:31) so I can't speak to you
Joke Braeken: (13:31) shall I try again?
Joke Braeken: (13:31) i will try now again
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:32) did you hear me?
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:33) I think I'm on the phone!
Joke Braeken: (13:36) Martin, i could not hear you
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:37) can't really test now, but my computer seems to think I'm on the phone
Joke Braeken: (13:38) If you want, I can "kill" the existing connection, and dial out again?
martin boyle, Nominet: (13:40) let's see if I need to talk
Joke Braeken: (13:40) ok
Joke Braeken: (13:57) Samantha Eisner just ended her update
Joke Braeken: (14:04) When submitting a question that you want me to read out loud on the microphone in this session, please provide your name and affiliation if you are representing one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with <QUESTION>. When submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud on the microphone, once again provide your name and affiliation if you have one then start your sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the mic.Any questions or comments provided outside of the session time will not be read aloud.
Joke Braeken: (14:08) Any questions from the remote participants to Sam?
Joke Braeken: (14:20) Sam Eisner is leaving the room
Joke Braeken: (14:31) Guideline ccNSO Actions regarding RZERC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MuQ_GvG-DI3OMSGLNNrSTX4Z57GDCGntquoCaTYl9Vw/edit (link to the google doc)
Ben Fuller .na: (14:34) switch 'were' to 'are'
martin boyle, Nominet: (14:34) agree with David
martin boyle, Nominet: (14:35) both work for me
Joke Braeken: (14:42) no questions from remote participants?
Joke Braeken: (14:42) if not, we are wrapping up this meeting.
Joke Braeken: (14:43) thank you everyone for attending


Notes 27 June meeting GRC

Simplified version of different decisions and internal documentation that need to be prepared

Aspects that need to be done after 1 October

As ICANN staff not how to do it

Identify decisions that need to be made

Highlevel decisions

Immediate CSC selection: already in place

Next item: New Bylaws
How to select the standing panel

September 2016
Obligation to consult with SO/AC in tender process
Once ICANN makes a call for consultation/ critical starting point

Key-date 1 October 2016
On that date:
New entity: Empowered Community
- ccNSO is decisional participant, opportunity to participate
- How to participate
- EC participation selected need for organization admin component, this group constituted by chairs or designated. Opportunity to select person. Who to place, Council decision
- On-going What kinds of guidance as it relates to EC

Need to have people there. Pass-through to community (point of contact)

No need to change to who Board members are: formal notice to restate Board members are
Formally designating those people to allow technical / legal mechanism in place

Review/member selection process reviews
AOC member selection process (specific reviews)
Method of selection will change. Once a review is initiated, SO/AC need to solicit candidates, make up rules for selection

Chair of SO/AC to make selection, guidance to
Nomination by SO/AC

One or two reviews kick-off
Provisional note

Priority item

Immediate and on-going
EC is mechanism for escalation mechanism
Petition, how can a petition be initiated
Rules on how to join other process. Different threshold for different things
Participation in community forums

Question how will ccNSO gather together for community

Decisions need to be make, Think through threshold, simple majority, super majority
Report back to empowered community

Each of the SO/AC will be doing the same things

A lot of granular point that need to be looked at.

Opportunities to make changes

There will be an opportunity in early 2017 to react on budget and ops plan.
Need to be prepared to how start a petition.

There are many other items
Staged out 1-2 years

After one (1) year charter CSC to be reviewed: ccNSO and GNSO to determine how CSC review needs to happen (by October 2017)
Years afterwards other reviews.

It is up to each SO/AC could come up with its own threshold. When drafting the bylaws.
Not in Proposal stick to proposal
Are there minimum’s to suggest.

David: CSC membership, non-g or ccTLD, not limited to ARPA, potential different operational

Stephen: other .ARPA, Mil , or Gov?

Mathieu: Exciting times ahead, nothing prevents Council using existing procedures
Any requirement, in CCWG , question whether to make guidelines

Is this Council or Member vote.
Mapping procedures and decisions

Only relevant for ccNSO members or open to non-ccNSO members
In some cases all ccTLDs (members and non-members)
Requirement non-ccNSO member (ccTLD)

How to make agreement with GNSO?
Several ways: reasonable people
David: distinct entities with different mechanism
How to reach confirmation.
Stephan: In favor of proposal. More substantial
- This should not be overly complex
- David will put things together
Sam: There will be times when the community to bring IRP. Each group will be able to do so.
Community need to be brought together. How to ensure positions are aligned

Some discussion, around cross-community
Action: David /Stephan

Mapping procedures
Action: Bart

Check: critical points