22 August 2016
Participants: David McAuley, Christelle Vaval, Ben Fuller, Mirjana Tasic, Katrina Sataki, Martin Boyle, Dejan Djukic, Stephen Deerhake
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, joke braeken
Apologies: Alejandra Reynoso, Eduardo Santoyo, Maarten Simon
Welcome and roll call
Current documents:
- RZERC charter
- EC representative approintment
- Special review teams
Next steps
Recording: Mp3
Chat transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome all
Christelle Vaval:good morning all
Bart Boswinkel:Gooday all
David McAuley:Hello all
Joke Braeken:hello everybody
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello all
Ben Fuller .na:Hello all
David McAuley:Another Monday, another week of opportunity
martin boyle, Nominet:hi all
David McAuley:Good morning Katrina
David McAuley:Kim, is it possible to make screen type a bit larger for document
David McAuley:sounds fine to me
martin boyle, Nominet:relevant is good
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning. Sorry I'm late. Adode wanted a complete upgrade this AM... ;-(
Kimberly Carlson:David this is the biggest I can make it and still capture the comments - sorry
David McAuley:This seems fine as amended
David McAuley:Thanks Kim
Kimberly Carlson:sure
martin boyle, Nominet:agreed
David McAuley:sounds resolved in good fashion
Ben Fuller .na:My ISP is doing repairs, switching to a backup. Will be off for a couple minutes
martin boyle, Nominet:agree - it clarifies
martin boyle, Nominet:will make it easier to see what we need and want for the cctld community
martin boyle, Nominet:good addition David
Stephen Deerhake:Yes.
martin boyle, Nominet:yep from me
Ben Fuller .na 2:ok
Christelle Vaval:ok for me
Ben Fuller .na 2:Yes it does address the comments
David McAuley:It seems good to me
David McAuley:The document seems good, thanks Katrina
David McAuley:I could take a final look
Ben Fuller .na 2:I can do a final look
David McAuley:and share if anyone wants
David McAuley:Great
Kimberly Carlson:doc is scrollable
David McAuley:Sounds fine Katrina
Ben Fuller .na 2:Go for it!
David McAuley:Dejan's comment makes good sense it seems
Ben Fuller .na 2:My comment follows on Dejan's about the need to clarify how infomration is transmitted
Ben Fuller .na 2:It addresses the concern
Stephen Deerhake:Agree with David.
martin boyle, Nominet:seems appropriate to me!
David McAuley:It seems a good idea - these can become confusing - but we need to admend as things change in future
Christelle Vaval:We mentionned a date below in the document.
David McAuley:amend
Christelle Vaval:ok
David McAuley:That is a fair point Bart
martin boyle, Nominet:ah: see/ Good catch Bart
Christelle Vaval:therefore it should be removed in section 7.1 below
David McAuley:I don't know that that needs to be said
Christelle Vaval:last sentence
David McAuley:it would no be bad to say, just not sure it is needed
Bart Boswinkel:(C)If any Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee has notnominated at least three prospective review team members, the Chairsof the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees shall beresponsible for the determination of whether all 21 SO/AC memberseats shall be filled and, if so, how the seats should be allocated fromamong those nominated.
David McAuley:)Review teams may also solicit and select independent experts torender advice as requested by the review team.
David McAuley:that language is from iv in bylaw
Ben Fuller .na:Yup
Bart Boswinkel:Review teams may also solicit and select independent experts torender advice as requested by the review team. ICANN shall pay thereasonable fees and expenses of such experts for each reviewcontemplated by this Section 4.6 to the extent such fees and costs areconsistent with the budget assigned for such review. Guidelines onhow review teams are to work with and consider independent expertadvice are specified in the Operating Standards.
David McAuley:I agree, Bart, and that is why I thought a change was not needed
David McAuley:are we now on new section 5?
David McAuley:thanks Katrina
David McAuley:I agree with that argument Bart made in his comment BB12
David McAuley:so additional ccNSO folks (slots 4 thru 7) are not done by ccNSO (altho it nominates) but by group of SO AC chairs
Bart Boswinkel:C)If any Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee has notnominated at least three prospective review team members, the Chairsof the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees shall beresponsible for the determination of whether all 21 SO/AC memberseats shall be filled and, if so, how the seats should be allocated fromamong those nominated.
David McAuley:I agree w Katrina - the additional slots anr not *finally* chosen by ccNSO
Bart Boswinkel:they ar eassigend to the ccNSO to fill
Stephen Deerhake:This is not going to be finished by Wednesday... What's the impact?
David McAuley:Good point Bart
David McAuley:Kim or Joke - can you send Ben and me the latest clean copy of document we agreed to do final review for?
Stephen Deerhake:So we have about 10 days (14 max) to get this sorted?
David McAuley:or we could do a special call?
David McAuley:maybe on list - that seems good to
Ben Fuller .na:Send it out with a hard deadline for comments to be recived
David McAuley:maybe we can knock out on the list
Stephen Deerhake:5 September is a holiday in the US BTW...
David McAuley:Good idea Bart, that we take stock of all needs
David McAuley:12th is fine w me
martin boyle, Nominet:12/9 ok for me
Ben Fuller .na:12th is fine for me
Stephen Deerhake:I will be traveling to APTLD that day...
Dejan Djukic:me too
Dejan Djukic:no
Stephen Deerhake:You're closer to Bangkok than I am ;-)
Kimberly Carlson:I'll send the calendar invites for the 12th
Mirjana Tasic .rs:12th of Sep is OK for me
David McAuley:thanks Katrina, Bart, Kim, Joke and all
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all!
Kimberly Carlson:Bye, thank you
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all!
Christelle Vaval:bye all
David McAuley:good bye
Joke Braeken:Thank you! bye all.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all
Katrina Sataki:thank you! bye!
Dejan Djukic:thank you, bye!