10 October 2016

10 October 2016


Participants:  Martin Boyle, Ben Fuller, David McAuley, Maarten Simon, Mirjana Tasic, Katrina Sataki, Alejandra Reynoso, Dejan Djukic, Stephen Deerhake

Staff:  Kim Carlson, joke Braeken

Apologies: Eduardo Santoyo, Christelle Vaval


-        Welcome and Roll call

-        Guideline: ccNSO Council practices (aka ccNSO Council Meetings)

-        Overview of email list -> Guideline or other type of documentation

-        Process for consulting community on proposed guidelines

-        IRP assessment (David)

-        Prep Hyderabad meeting

  • F-2-f WG (who to invite)
  • Accountability session (Monday 11.00- 12.15)

-         AOB


Recording: Mp3

Chat Transcript:

Kimberly Carlson: Hi Martin

martin boyle, Nominet: Hi Kim

David McAuley: just dialing in

David McAuley: good morning

Kimberly Carlson: Welcome Everyone

Mirjana Tasic .rs: Hello everyone

Ben Fuller: Test

maarte: wonder what went wrong with my name.

Joke Braeken: it became shorter :)

Kimberly Carlson: doc is scrollable

maarte: yes, but missed the opportunity to change it during loging in

David McAuley: yes, can scroll

David McAuley: That makes sense Katrina

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: good morning

martin boyle, Nominet: Surely a majority of councillors?

David McAuley: Good suggestion Martin

David McAuley: Agreed, Katrina

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: I think it is very complete

Ben Fuller: As I said before we are getting better at this work ... :-)

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: :)

David McAuley: I like another kind of document rather than guideline, if possib;e

David McAuley: not sure

Ben Fuller: Do we have a prcedure/criteria for creating new lists?

Kimberly Carlson: Stephen sends his regrets. We are still trying to work through his login issues, just not sure if we can get resolved in time.

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: The public comment will be completely open? or just for the ccTLD community? I'm not sure if ti matters...

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: it*

David McAuley: I think a good idea but think it would just be ccNSO

David McAuley: ccNSO members, yes

Ben Fuller: Agree with David

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: David and Ben, agree with you. How are we going to filter? ;) People should say what ccTLD they represent or work for?

Katrina Sataki: if you send info to the ccNSO members list it should do the trick

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: ok :)

Kimberly Carlson: Welcome Stephne!

Kimberly Carlson: Stephen

Stephen Deerhake (.as): I'm here! Sorry to be late.

maarte: Only except responses via the list

David McAuley: public notice along the way, something like that, I think Martin put it well

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: "ccNSO community comment period"?

David McAuley: agreed about a mechanism to inform, avoid surprise

Ben Fuller: Consultation with the community works for me

maarte: Agree with having a mechanism but also to keep it lightweight

Dejan Djukic: I support both idea, to add observers to the list and to have consultation with community

Mirjana Tasic .rs: Consultation with community works for me too

martin boyle, Nominet: how about solicit thoughts or invite thoughts on a draft proposal?

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: I agree with Katrina to use the wiki space for comments

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: it's transparent

martin boyle, Nominet: thoughts/comments/deas?

martin boyle, Nominet: *ideas

Ben Fuller: Using the wikispace makes sense

martin boyle, Nominet: ah, ok!

Kimberly Carlson: "write a comment can't be changed" but certainly some explanatory text can be added

martin boyle, Nominet: but please send out an invite/notice with a link to the wiki!

David McAuley: agreed Martin, good idea

David McAuley: I regret I will not be in Hyderabad

martin boyle, Nominet: neither will I

Kimberly Carlson: I will make sure to circulate the remote participation details

Ben Fuller: I will be there

Mirjana Tasic .rs: I agree with Martin and David, it is necessary to sned an invitation with a link

Ben Fuller: Becky will be good to hear from

David McAuley: I can attend meetin g remotely if we have a link

Stephen Deerhake (.as): +1 for Becky. David, perhaps you can make the ICANN meeting scheduled for Pyongyang? Now that we've mastered the Indian visa process, there is only one mountain left to climb!

Kimberly Carlson: Once rooms are confirmed, I can sent out the AC / RP links - no phone bridge unless i get a specific request

David McAuley: thanks Kim, not sure it makes sense for link in case of just one person

martin boyle, Nominet: i could join depending on time and topic

David McAuley: Not that I can think of

martin boyle, Nominet: me neither

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: not at the moment

Ben Fuller: I can't think of any

Stephen Deerhake (.as): Katrina, I may get back to you on this; I need to think about it.

David McAuley: not here

Maarten Simon: no

David McAuley: good choice as chair of CSC

martin boyle, Nominet: I will not be able to join the next call

martin boyle, Nominet: so please record my apologies

Kimberly Carlson: Thanks Martin, will do

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: Katrina, the latest draft of Council Meetings is the one sent by you on september 23?

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: Thank you!

Kimberly Carlson: Yes, all ccNSO meetings are open - which means at a minimum, there will be RP available through an Adobe Room

David McAuley: Thanks Katrina, Kim, Joke, and all

Stephen Deerhake (.as): Thanks all.

Maarten Simon: bye all

Ben Fuller: Bye all

Mirjana Tasic .rs: Bye all

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: Have a great day!

Kimberly Carlson: Thanks, bye

David McAuley: good bye

martin boyle, Nominet: thanks and bye

Joke Braeken: Thank you! bye!