11 April 2016
Participants: Alejandra Reynoso, Ben Fuller, Christelle Vaval, David McAuley, Dejan Djukic, Eduardo Santoyo, Katrina Sataki, Maarten Simon, Martin Boyle, Margarita Valdes, Mirjana Tasic, Stephen Deerhake
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke Braeken
Apologies: None
1) What documents (guidelines) we need to develop;
2) Who – What – When, i.e., who will do what and when it must be done;
3) How we are going to work. I propose we have bi-weekly calls whenever it is possible. And perhaps we will need Alejandra’s help with Google docs to ensure speed and efficiency.
Action Items
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Eduardo
Eduardo Santoyo:good morning
Kimberly Carlson:Hi Ben
Ben Fuller:Hi everyone
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome everyone
Martin Boyle:hello all!
Martin Boyle:(Sorry, had my mouth full when I was logged in)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning
Katrina Sataki:Hi!
Kimberly Carlson:we did not receive any apologies
David McAuley:Good morning all
Maarten Simon:sorry 1 minute late
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hi everyone
Ben Fuller:Not a clue! :-)
Stephen Deerhake:Barely.
Kimberly Carlson:Margarita has joined the audio bridge
David McAuley:Ben, sorry about that - I can try toclarify further if you would like but still may be batter after next couplf of days CCWG work
David McAuley:better that is
Ben Fuller:I was making a joke :-) sorry for the confusion
David McAuley:ok sorry - missed it
Katrina Sataki::)
Ben Fuller:Your stuff is quite clear
Katrina Sataki:This is a serious business, Ben :)
David McAuley:thanks
Katrina Sataki:no jokes!
Katrina Sataki::)
Stephen Deerhake:Who is writing that charter?
David McAuley:Good point by Bart - still not fully clear but starting to develop
David McAuley:I am not sure @Stephen
David McAuley:it does help Bart
David McAuley:RZERC
Stephen Deerhake:OK.
Stephen Deerhake:As long as it's not us :-)
David McAuley:Probably by lawyerts with CWG direction
David McAuley:for CSC charter, that is
Bart Boswinkel:It is my understanding that charter RZERC needs to be developed as well. and this charter wil be determing what the ccNSO (GRC needs to do)
Ben Fuller:I think we need to specify "other root zone operators" in point 1
Stephen Deerhake:Concur with David on CSC qualfications.
Stephen Deerhake:Also with regards to "close watch".
David McAuley:ok thanks Bart
Ben Fuller:David, the first year reporting may be too short, we might want to look at the frequency of reporting. Possible more reports in the first year or two, and fewer after that.
David McAuley:That sounds good Ben
David McAuley:Good term Martin - these are operationally important - I can think of someone who should not serve - myself, lack the technical depth
Ben Fuller:Perhaps bimonthly to begin and quarterly once we get a handle on things?
David McAuley:Sounds good to me - these are important committees
David McAuley:good term Bart - commitment to communicate over and above able and willing
Martin Boyle:@ Bart + David +1
Ben Fuller:We can specify the commitment to communicate in a general sense here, and put the specific modes and frequency of communication in a second.
Ben Fuller:pardon me "a second document"
Maarten Simon:I dont know either
David McAuley:I will volunteer
Martin Boyle:i'm happy to be one of the thinkers on this
David McAuley:to take a pass at it
Ben Fuller:A good knowledge of the work done by IANA will help for the volunteers
Maarten Simon:I volunteer too
Ben Fuller:I can help David
Stephen Deerhake:David, I'd be happy to review/assist.
David McAuley:wonderful happy to work with Stephen and Maarten
David McAuley:and I like Bart's suggestion as well
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I 'll be happy to review
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Ok. I'll upload it to Google Docs :)
David McAuley:To work on google doc - that is fine with me
Eduardo Santoyo:atreve
Martin Boyle:google docs fine by me
Ben Fuller:No objctions, will learn Google Docs
Dejan Djukic:Fine with me as well
Stephen Deerhake:Need a tutorial in Google docs.... Will sort that out :-)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I have a tutorial also, will share it with the group Stephen
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Alejandra.
Martin Boyle:@ David I'd like to be invo;ved
David McAuley:Thanks Alejandra
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Sure thing Katrina :) It will be done today (my timezone ;) )
Martin Boyle:(While it is in google docx it is a fairly open process, I hope
David McAuley:I think we all can be @Martin - I think that is the beuty of goole doc (beuty used loosely)
David McAuley:beauty, that is
Martin Boyle:can those of us who were not in at the bsginning have copies of any existing docs, please?
Martin Boyle:fine, thanks
Martin Boyle:@Katrina: ok
Martin Boyle:do we have any proposed call slots yet?
David McAuley:Seems a good plan @Katrina
Martin Boyle:I can't make 25/4, i'm afraid!
David McAuley:maybe geo diversity could simply mean one rep cannot replace another from same area
Christelle Vaval:willl we have a call next week? April 18th?
David McAuley:it is tricky, especially for a new and possibly complex entity
Stephen Deerhake:I don't think so.
Joke Braeken:Calls usually at 12 UTC. Next call: Monday 25 April.
Christelle Vaval:so bi-weekly meeting will start on April 25?
Christelle Vaval:thanks Joke and Stephen
Ben Fuller:Your example of ALAC and regions could be very complicated. Perhaps we have the ccNSO decide how it wants a geographic spread
Mirjana Tasic .rs:May be some gidelines abou diversity will be in th CSC charter
Joke Braeken:You are welcome Christelle
David McAuley:good point Mirjana
Stephen Deerhake:LOL!!! We must feel for Martin...
Martin Boyle:feel away Stephen!
David McAuley:OK next meeting on train with Martin
Maarten Simon:the difficulty will be in the initial appointement . As reappointments are staggered diversity should be something to accomplish
Stephen Deerhake:Can we get the notes of this meeting sent around to us after the meeting's conclusion? That would be very helpful. :-)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Btw... I already sent the Google Docs tutorial to the list ;)
Kimberly Carlson:@Stephen, yes that will be done
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I will need individual email addresses to share the Google Doc with all members. No need to be gmail, but preferable.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I know... I live in paradaise, there is a price to pay ;)
Maarten Simon:we will Katrina
Ben Fuller:Of course we will succeed
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all
David McAuley:Thank you Katrina and GRC group and staff
Stephen Deerhake:Bye everyone.
Kimberly Carlson:thank you everyone, goodbye
Ben Fuller:Bye
Maarten Simon:bye
Martin Boyle:by all and thanks
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Bye :)
Joke Braeken:by everyone.