1 February 2016
Participants: Alejandra Reynoso, Ben Fuller, David McAuley, Eduardo Santoyo, Katrina Sataki, Mirjana Tasic
Staff: Bart Boswinkey, Joke Braeken, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Lesley Cowley, Margarita Valdes, Dejan Đukić
- Status Quo: Action items (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ccnsowkspc/Action+Items)
- NomCom and Board appointments (discussion)
- Next steps
- Next call
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome everyone
Alejandra Reynoso .gt:Good morning
EDUARDO SANTOYO:good morning
Bart Boswinkel:Good morning all
Ben Fuller:Hello everyone
David McAuley:Good morning all
David McAuley:could we get scroll control so we can increase doc size on screen
David McAuley:terrible snow here in east USA last week
David McAuley:I just got bounced out - now back
David McAuley:Kim, I can't read doc on screen - any way to enlatge a bit
David McAuley:enlarge
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello all, I am sorry I am late
David McAuley:Bart, was that discussion last fall memorialized in a document
Katrina Sataki:no
Katrina Sataki:we haven't worked on the substance of the doc yet
Katrina Sataki:this was just the first round :)
David McAuley:ok thanks Katrina
David McAuley:thanks Bart
Bart Boswinkel:@ DAvid, you can see in the moinutes of Council and resolutions
David McAuley:Good point Katrfina, same structure these two docs makes sense, board and NomCom selection
David McAuley:Katrina, that is
Ben Fuller:Good point about a harmonised procedure
Alejandra Reynoso .gt:I'm not sure if there are different chriteria for different selection of nominates to different things, but having a standard wouldn´t hurt. It's a guide in the end :)
David McAuley:Right
Alejandra Reynoso .gt:criteria*
Alejandra Reynoso .gt:Maybe we can add different procedures for special cases?
David McAuley:Same here in USA, especially August
EDUARDO SANTOYO:for soouth America February
Ben Fuller:There is no reason why we cannot finish before June. It works here in the Southern Africa
David McAuley:+1 for starting March/April
Alejandra Reynoso .gt:+1 tp start in march or april
David McAuley:Outstanding Eduardo, sounds like nice dogs
David McAuley:Feb 22 - sounds right - good
David McAuley:none here
Ben Fuller:Next date is good for me
Ben Fuller:Good point Bart
David McAuley:yes -
David McAuley:yes please send
EDUARDO SANTOYO:have a nice day
David McAuley:Thanks Katrina, Bart, Kim, and all
Mirjana Tasic .rs:bye
Kimberly Carlson:Thanks everyone, bye
Ben Fuller:Bye
David McAuley:Bye
Alejandra Reynoso .gt:good day
Joke Braeken:Thank you everybody. Bye!
Katrina Sataki:thank you! bye!
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all