AC Chat: 2018-10-03 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

AC Chat: 2018-10-03 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

  Andrea Glandon: (10/3/2018 11:25) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call held on Wednesday, 03 October 2018 at 17:00 UTC.
  Andrea Glandon: (11:25) Agenda Wiki Page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/1fXvBQ
  Christopher Wilkinson: (11:55) It's like dthat in Cannes? I thought it was a beautiful place to go for a walk!
  Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:57) OK
  Evin Erdogdu: (11:58) Welcome all!
  Alfredo Calderon: (11:59) Thanks @Evin. Hello to all!
  Alan Greenberg: (12:00) Adigo: 3535
  Heidi Ullrich: (12:01) Welcome, All. 
  Heidi Ullrich: (12:02) Please mute your speakers if you are not speaking. 
  Alfredo Calderon: (12:02) Seems someone has mic unmuted.
  Heidi Ullrich: (12:03) Maureen is an apology for this call. She is traveling. 
  Andrea Glandon: (12:04) thank you, Heidi!
  John Laprise: (12:04) yes olivier
  Holly Raiche: (12:04) WHOOPPEE
  Evin Erdogdu: (12:04) Congratulations, all! 86 pages!
  John Laprise: (12:05) Yay!
  Heidi Ullrich: (12:05) Quantity AND quality :)
  Satish: (12:05) Wow!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:05) Indeed Heidi
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:05)  Indeed!!!
  Evin Erdogdu: (12:05) +1
  Holly Raiche: (12:06) There can't be another year for EPDP - there is a deadline...
  Evin Erdogdu: (12:07) Action Items: 2018-09-26: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VrbxBQ
  Evin Erdogdu: (12:07) 2018 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102656987/2018+ALAC+Policy+Comments+Advice
  Heidi Ullrich: (12:11) Holly...
  Alfredo Calderon: (12:13) +1 On Holly's suggestion.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (12:15) my comments are of course valid of there is nobody from At-Large participating in the PDP
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (12:15) if not, we can let whoever is from At-Large, report back or let everyone know in our community
  Holly Raiche: (12:16) Maybe even a staff supported discussion of some sort.  - really find a way to inform everyone of he issues BEFORE we allocate.  And look to the Review implementation - looking at staff resources - something that can be added to the item
  Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (12:18) We should try to get invloved with the PDP from the beggining 
  Jonathan Zuck: (12:19) I agree
  Alfredo Calderon: (12:20) But also, be capable of explain the issue to all RALO's to get "outsiders" engaged in comments.
  John Laprise: (12:20) Hmm...if we go with Jonathan's recommendation, it would be good to have a tweetable/SoMe shareable BRIEF summary of the issue for broad dissemination to drum up interest broadly
  Alfredo Calderon: (12:21) @John, I believe that is a way to spread the word and engage more members of the community.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:21) Efficiency still needs to be designed into this model ... Yes
  Holly Raiche: (12:22) I am assuming a much wider scope for this group - a place to FIRST inform and THEN coordinate the development of a process
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:22)  Also ALAC soes actually decide if we do or not make a draft
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:22) as does thr ALAC ALT...
  John Laprise: (12:22) Agreed Cheryl: efficiency is the hobgoblin of the multistakeholder process
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:23) Indeed Alan I assumed you would be stateing that
  Alfredo Calderon: (12:23) @Cheryl, thus we need individuals involved from the begining in PDP to alert us of issues/PDP we need to address.
  Marita Moll: (12:23) Sorry, connectivity issues so could not get here till now
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:23) I still dream of that Alfredo
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:24) and those Individuals should IMO be endgagesd as well in this WG and/or its processes
  Evin Erdogdu: (12:24) Welcome Marita
  Alfredo Calderon: (12:24) Cheryl, keep dreaming. It's coming! New generation of individuals is on the way!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:24) I was trying to find a choice that **MAY** have not et a test from THIS group Alan
  Holly Raiche: (12:25) Staff does note upcoming  issues for comment - so why not - at that point - have something to discuss what we do about it?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:25)  It was as I said a faulted example
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:25) GEO Regions  Review would be a better pone now I am more awake
  Holly Raiche: (12:25) Annother suggestion - have people identify their areas of interest/expertise
  Holly Raiche: (12:26) And if there  is a GNSO webinar - why not let us know
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:26) SOmetimes people develop interests from being exposed to issues (looping back to wider engagement in the other processes again)
  Holly Raiche: (12:27) Also - have access to webnars done on the issue
  Holly Raiche: (12:29) AGree with OCL
  John Laprise: (12:30) So the worker bees can work harder or we can get more worker bees. Unfortunately worker bees are hard to come by. :( If we're honest with ourselves, we're likely to find policy savvy worker bees among grad students. 
  Jonathan Zuck: (12:31) sounds good
  John Laprise: (12:31) Agreed cheryl
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:33) :-)
  Holly Raiche: (12:33) Not it doesn't!
  John Laprise: (12:33) all too true alan
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:33) Go for it OCL!!!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:34) protocol and process flow mapping...  I know I still dream ;-)
  Holly Raiche: (12:34) So an action item - to ensure that the CPWG people are informed - however
  Satish: (12:36) Agree.
  Holly Raiche: (12:36) @ CLO - true thee ae a few - but please let's try to build the talent pool
  Satish: (12:40) Cheryl+1 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:41) and ACTIVE being the critical term there Alan
  Jonathan Zuck: (12:41) Dreamer!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:41) And hopefuly future Metrics will pressure on that Alan
  Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (12:43) More quality thna quantity
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:43) NEVER!!!!
  Alan Greenberg: (12:44) I think we are being very selective at the moment (not always true in past years).
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (12:44) Keep us at it JZ
  Evin Erdogdu: (12:44) EPDP Blog from F2F in Los Angeles: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_news_blog_epdp-2Dteam-2Dmakes-2Dimportant-2Dprogress-2Dduring-2Dlos-2Dangeles-2Dmeeting&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=k7uKdjSb7_ZjItyVqrCYHo_rKms9SFxlmbYEJqG-y9I&m=t6Dy2Dp8z08aOnUPkQlcTZKIbUj_qWzBGzE_QiK4nvM&s=tZXvYD3p6_UgPMlIJP_A5bECT71n0QfWQpu987fltZ8&e=
  Andrea Glandon: (12:44) She is not
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (12:44) I have no power to fire anyone, and certainly I would not dare firing Jonathan :-)
  Holly Raiche: (12:46) The transcripts of those days are available - and worth reading for anyone interested - particularly when Goran attended
  Holly Raiche: (12:48) He also discussed ICANN's role as a data controller - or a least joint controller
  John Laprise: (12:49) Question (technical) has ICANN systematicly mapped out the data it collects, the legal rationales employed, and how it's used?
  Evin Erdogdu: (12:50) Registration Directory Service (RDS-WHOIS2) Review Team Draft Report of Recommendations: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/N3geBg
  Evin Erdogdu: (12:50) (PC)
  Holly Raiche: (12:50) @ John - yes - that was the discussion - what is collected - and the PURPOSE for its collection
  John Laprise: (12:51) @Holly was that the discussion or has ICANN mapped it out?
  Holly Raiche: (12:52) Not  so much reduce - but establish the legal basis for collection, and understand the purpose/use of the data
  John Laprise: (12:52) It sounds like ICANN isn't sure whether it's a data controller or a data processor
  Holly Raiche: (12:52) @ John - a work in progress, from my reading.  But do have a read
  John Laprise: (12:53) If it's a processor, than the controller sets the rules and ICANN signs a bunch of DPAs
  Holly Raiche: (12:53) @ John - Goran did talk about ICANN as a controller or joint controller
  John Laprise: (12:53) Does GDPR countenance the concept of "joint controller" I don't remember seeing it\
  Holly Raiche: (12:54) Controlleer because the RAA (or contract with registries) sets what must be collected - 
  John Laprise: (12:55) never mind...found it
  Holly Raiche: (12:55) @ Jonn - Goran did say that there is - as Alan is saying - the situation isn't normal because ICANN says what must be collected and then someone else collects it
  Bastiaan Goslings: (12:56) @John: see art 26
  Bastiaan Goslings: (12:57) btw: is Seun still an alternate?
  Holly Raiche: (12:57) @ Bastiaan - yes
  Bastiaan Goslings: (12:57) oh... ok
  John Laprise: (12:59) OMG joint control is a disaster waiting to happen. "3. Irrespective of the terms of the arrangement referred to in paragraph 1, the data subject may exercise his or her rights under this Regulation in respect of and against each of the controllers. "
  Holly Raiche: (12:59) @ Tijani - that is what Goran was saying -  the situation is not typical - as I said above - ICANN  says what must be collected, but then it is the registry that collects - (and that was wha formed part of that discussion)
  Holly Raiche: (13:00) Sorry - registrar that collects
  Alfredo Calderon: (13:00) Yes he is.
  Satish: (13:00) Yes
  Holly Raiche: (13:03) @ John - to your question - that was what was being discussed
  Holly Raiche: (13:05) Folks - could we get back to this session and not try to solve the EPDP issues 
  Bastiaan Goslings: (13:05) +1
  Bastiaan Goslings: (13:05) we're meant to finish in 25 min
  Holly Raiche: (13:06) (Maybe have a special session on EPDP)
  Maria Korniiets: (13:08) Good evening. Really sorry, had severe connection problems.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:08) Google has had addresses that have been publicised open enough for many many years and they can cope with the spam problem. Spam is a matter of filtering etc. Not publishing an email address.
  Andrea Glandon: (13:09) Hadia & Seun are not on the call.
  Heidi Ullrich: (13:09) Greg should be on the call in 10 mins. His other presentation is running late. 
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:10) thanks @Heidi!
  John Laprise: (13:17) and that's a GDPR problem...
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:18) Welcome @Seun
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:19) Sorry, that was for the AFRALO call :)
  Holly Raiche: (13:20) @ staff - was the webinar on the RDS recorded and if so, maybe send th link to ALAC?
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:21) @Holly will check and send if available, thank you
  Tijani BEN JEMAA: (13:21) I have the AFRALO call now
  Holly Raiche: (13:21) @ Evin - thanks
  Tijani BEN JEMAA: (13:21) Have to leave this call
  Tijani BEN JEMAA: (13:21) Bye
  Holly Raiche: (13:21) Bye Tijani
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:21) Thank you Tijani
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:23) Updated UAM Draft Statement: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/JXMeBg
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:24) @Holly, @Alfredo kindly shared RDS-WHOIS2 webinar recordings - https://community.icann.org/m/mobile.action#page/93129062
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:25) Will get non-mobile link shortly
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:26) Greg suggested submitting this week
  Heidi Ullrich: (13:31) There will be a general session and a more focues session on Sunday afternoon. 
  Christopher Wilkinson: (13:33) I have a clash. With apologies. CW
  Holly Raiche: (13:34) Bye Bye
  Alfredo Calderon: (13:34) Have a great day! Bye!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (13:34) Thanks everyone I am excited to see how well we are all progressing here in the CPWG... Bye for now and safe travels for those doing so...
  Heidi Ullrich: (13:34) Thanks All! 
  Evin Erdogdu: (13:34) Thank you all!
  Kaili Kan: (13:34) Thanks!
  Christopher Wilkinson: (13:34) B`ye CW
  Gordon Chillcott: (13:34) Thanks and bye for now.
  Andrea Glandon: (13:35) Hi Greg!  The call just ended
  Greg Shatan: (13:36) :-(
  Andrea Glandon: (13:36) Apologies, thank you for trying!
  Greg Shatan: (13:36) apologies