WG1 Documents

WG1 Documents

At-Large Director Appointment Process

See this section to participate in the design of a process for selecting a voting ICANN Board Director by the At-Large community

ALAC Statement on At-Large Participation in ICANN

The ALAC Statement on At-Large Participation in ICANN was originally drafted by the Summit WG1 and endorsed by the ALAC as official ALAC Statement in May 2009.

WG1 Ideas for Draft Statement for Summit '09

Click the above link and use the comment button, or just edit the page to add your ideas

In this section you will find a continually-expanding set of sources from which to draw ideas, and where you can see previous work related to the subjects of the working group.

Reference Materials

Draft Statements

Draft Statement on At-Large Participation in ICANN: EN ES FR

Draft Statement on At-Large Participation in ICANN V3 - English 02 March 2009

Previous Statements

Compilation of Previous ALAC Statements regarding participation (EN), (FR), (ES)

Travel Support and Other Supports from ICANN

Letter from Denise Michel and Doug Brent regarding travel support and facilitating participation of At-Large in ICANN (28 August 2008) (EN) (ES) (FR

ALAC Statement to the Board of ICANN on Volunteer Travel Policy (5 May 2008) - (EN)

> Declaración del Comité asesor de alcance sobre la consulta pública relacionada con la elaboración de una política de viajes - (ES)
> Déclaration de l'ALAC sur la consultation publique concernant l'élaboration d'une politique de déplacement - (FR)

FLUI Statement on Travel Support (EN) (ES)

The above text is provided by LACRALO ALS representatives as a joint statement of their views on ICANN travel support for the At-Large Community.

GNSO Improvements

Report of GNSO Improvements Approved by the ICANN Board 1 Nov 08 (23Jan09 amend)Final (EN) (ES) (FR)

ALAC Review

Public Participation

ALAC Communication to the Board on ICANN Meeting Participation and Organisation (11 December 2008) (English)

Other Sources of Inspiration

I think we should add the "ALAC Review working group on ALAC improvements" document, made by ICANN Board ALAC Review WG. last update 28 january 2009. because this document have a lot of recomendations about the WG1 issue.

Carlos Aguirre

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-02-12 14:28:15 GMT