Action Items: 2017-04-27 APRALO Monthly Teleconference
Action Items: 2017-04-27 APRALO Monthly Teleconference
- 1. satish.babu to coordinate with Don Hollander on the possibility to hold a Webinar on UA
- 2. Unaffiliated Member of APRALO form was approved
- 3. Silvia Vivanco to note volunteers Ranjit R Nair has volunteered for the GA on Organization- Logistics Sub Committee (ranju@ieee.org) and Amir Qayyum for the program -or- Organization sub-committee
- 4. kelvin.wong to coordinate with APRALO members and Satish Babu on participation at the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy: http://go.icann.org/apiga
- 5. Silvia Vivanco to follow up with Holly Raiche who volunteered to be speaker on the next APRALO-APAC Webinar "Privacy and Data Protection".