Action Items: 2016-09-22 APRALO Monthly Call
Action Items: 2016-09-22 APRALO Monthly Call
1. - Budget
Confirmed contributions from:
AUDA - 2,000 AUS dollars
Aus Reg - 2,000 AUS dollars = Totals $3,058 in US
GSE = 1,200 US$ Policy = 1200 US$
Total ICANN = $2400
- 2. Gisella Gruber to contact Maureen and provide ALS contact information.
3. Program
Ideas: Slide show - APRALO ALS, NPOC, NCUC (running in a loop) Networking should be the focus
Speakers: (2 mins each) - Sponsors - ALAC Chair - ICANN CEO - Rinalia
Artistic/cultural performance ; Single Sitar and lights. OC members to brainstorm, Gisella to follow up with Events Company.
- Maureen to contact Glenn to obtain pictures of events
4. Outreach
Adam - University students will come to ICANN meeting
5. Capacity building
6. Promotional Items
ICANN to move forward with printing.