Action Items: 2018-02-20 APRALO Monthly Teleconference
Action Items: 2018-02-20 APRALO Monthly Teleconference
- satish.babu to start a conversation to encourage participation of ALS in ICANN's policies and Public consultations.
- Silvia Vivanco to open a wiki page for the APRALO survey. Maureen, Lianna Galstyan, satish.babu and pavan.budhrani to work on analyzing the Survey data.
- Jia Rong Low (Deactivated) will post the APRALO Survey Results in the APAC Hub regional publications.
- amrita.choudhury1 and satish.babu will put together an editorial team to provide guidance on the newsletter. amrita.choudhury1 will request all APRALO members to send any updates by the 23 of the month.
- APRALO requested Silvia Vivanco to work with Former user (Deleted) to identify a depository (location) where the History Project documents can be uploaded.