AC Chat: 2018-02-20 APRALO Monthly Teleconference
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the APRALO Monthly Call on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 at 06:00 UTC.
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all
Amrita: Hi All
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Hi
Satish Babu:Hi
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all
Tomohiro Fujisaki:Hello all!
Waleed Khaliqi (NITPAA):Hi everyone, and Thank you Silvia!
Narine Khachatryan:Greetings, everyone
Pavan Budhrani:hello everyone
Pavan Budhrani:happy chinese new year to all :)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):And to you and yours
Satish Babu:Welcome all!
Pavan Budhrani:i dont seem to be getting the audio
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I am listeningvia phone bridge all good
Lianna Galstyan:I'm in AC and it's fine as well
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Just checked the AC Audio again all good for my connection
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Jia Rong
Jia-Rong Low:hello!
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:welcome
Silvia Vivanco:Warm welcome to all the new APRALO members!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):The OEC asked for a 'Mapping Exercise" this was not what was prepared and instead we are working a different way forward to identify any gaps between observations of the Independent Examiner and the Proposed recommendations of the ALAC as to how to proceed
Suhaidi Hassan isoc-my:hello all, sorry for late
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Suhaidi!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Hello my friend
Satish Babu:Hi Suhaidi!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Leon is also on the OEC
Lado Svanadze:Hello all!!
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Lado!
Lado Svanadze:Sorry for late
Bikram Shrestha:hi good morning! all
Bikram Shrestha:from Nepal
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Bikram!
Satish Babu:Hi Birkam and Lado!
Silvia Vivanco:ALAC Policy Development page:
Amir Qayyum:Hi all. And sorry for joining late.
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Amir
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Amir!
Aris Ignacio:Hi everyone! Sorry for being late
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Aris!
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:yes Maureen is very right
Jia-Rong Low:Agree Satish. Sounds great.
Aris Ignacio:Great Satish..
Pavan Budhrani:I want to delve deepter in that issue wuth u maureen
Pavan Budhrani:its a serious issue, we need to address it
Lianna Galstyan:I agree, it's a disappointing aspect
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):probaly depends who gets the email re the survey and who responds first from an ALS
Bikram Shrestha:Yes.. its right
Satish Babu:+1 Cheryl. Being unable to contact members of ALSes is indeed a limitation...
Satish Babu:Particularly, where ALS leadership changes each year....
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:I think the good part is the young people are coming in and we can further motivate them to creat better engagement
Amrita:IlA question on the survey : among those ALS s who had not responded,did any representative of them attend the agm ? this will help to understand if they did not read mails are not interested.
Pavan Budhrani:its good we have some ALSes on whatsapp, we need to look at more social media channels to target them
Jia-Rong Low:The survey results are very interesting! Are we posting the results somewhere and can I share some of the takeaways on our next APAC newsletter?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Agree totally with Satish on trying all possible to avoid decertification
Winthrop Yu - Philippines:+1 Pavan
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:what abt the process of monitoring and updating the community ALS page by icann staff. I think it can be a great tool
Satish Babu:@JiaRong, we will be happy to share the results once the tabulation is complete.
Silvia Vivanco:@ Satish and we will be ready to open a wiki for the survey and post the results
Maureen Hilyard:@Jia-Rong, you can use these snapshot results.. A full report will be out as soon as I can get the info together.
Silvia Vivanco:once tabulation is complete
Pavan Budhrani:yes
Jia-Rong Low:@Satish, Silvia and Maureen - once we have the resutls on the wiki I will post on the APAC newsletter so we can point people there for more details. Keep me updated pls
Silvia Vivanco:will do Jia Rong
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:I am interested
Jia-Rong Low:Thanks!
Amrita:I wi be happy to join
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:for the group
Bikram Shrestha:i am also happy to contribue
Maureen Hilyard:Great
Lianna Galstyan:Thank you all
Bikram Shrestha:thank you
Maureen Hilyard:Well done Amrita
Lianna Galstyan:I received it and shared with my community via the mailing list and the facebook page
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:I think sharing is also imp
Silvia Vivanco:A link with the newsletter is posted on APRALO wiki
Amrita:thank you Maureen
Aris Ignacio:Nice one Amrita! :-)
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO Newsletter wiki:
Waleed Khaliqi (NITPAA):I have a 5+ years of experince working with a news agency, please count me inn.
Lianna Galstyan:great, Waleed
Aris Ignacio:yes!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Amrita and all for your work on the 1 Newsletter
Maureen Hilyard:Perhaps Amrita you could establish an editorial team who can plan out the year's programme for newsletter "special items"
Lianna Galstyan:exactly
Amrita:Agree Lianna
Silvia Vivanco:The At-Large FB page can announce the newsletter every month with a link
Aris Ignacio:Can we post in our FB page?
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:so true Lianna
Lianna Galstyan:sure
Lianna Galstyan:@Aris
Amrita:We should encourage ALS s to join the whatsapp group and create a FB group
Amrita:Sure Satish.
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO History project:
Aris Ignacio:@Lianna thanks.. I might post links of our local events there :-) and will also send for our newsletter..
Silvia Vivanco:Depository (current):
Silvia Vivanco:I have taken the AI and will coordinate and investigate if there are any tools at our disposal
Satish Babu:Thanks @Silvia!
Bikram Shrestha:Yes.. welcome to Kathmandu..
Maureen Hilyard:Many thanks to Dot Asia for their sponsorship of the Leadership team for Lainna to attend the APTLD meeting and for Satish to attend the APRICOT conference.
Amrita:Quite a few apralo ALS may be present at Apricot. Any plans of meeting ?
Bikram Shrestha:Thank you lianna
Maureen Hilyard:Yes please - we will definitely try to get any ALS members together during the week..
Aris Ignacio:Would there be an online meeting during APRICOT?
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:thank u lianan
Bikram Shrestha:thanks dot.ASIA
Silvia Vivanco:@ Lianna please send us any updates and posts we can post on our At-Large FB page
Silvia Vivanco:and tweet, re-tweet
Lado Svanadze:Thanks Lianna
Aris Ignacio:thanks Satish
Lianna Galstyan:@Silvia, we will update
Maureen Hilyard:Most of the sessions can be accessed remotely I think.. we'll let you know
Amrita:Thanks Satish.
Amrita:We know of a few.
Silvia Vivanco:send us any links to At-large staff and we will post your pictures etc
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Lianna
Suhaidi Hassan isoc-my:ISOC Malaysia will be represented by Ms Athirah Rosli at Apricot meeting
Lianna Galstyan:thanks Suhaidi
Bikram Shrestha:thats grt
Yesim Nazlar:How to Suggest and Encourage Someone to Become a Candidate:
Maureen Hilyard:@Suhaidi.. please ensure she introduces herself to us. love to meet her..
Suhaidi Hassan isoc-my:sure, will let her know :)
Jia-Rong Low:August
Maureen Hilyard:The AprIGF is in August in Vanuatu
Lianna Galstyan:I think APrIGF is 13-16 August
Maureen Hilyard:The beautiful Pacific :)
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:I think aprigf is a great platform and we should motivate our ALSs and even a APRALO booth and a session.
Aris Ignacio:Yes, its is from August 13-16
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Nothing from me
Jia-Rong Low:Thanks for the call
Amrita:Thank you
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Bye for now then...
Lianna Galstyan:Thank you all and bye.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all for participation !
Bikram Shrestha:thank you
Suhaidi Hassan isoc-my:thanks all. bye bye
Bikram Shrestha:everyone
Maureen Hilyard:thanks Satish.. and everyone for attending .
Maureen Hilyard:Bye
Prateek:Thank you all
Bikram Shrestha:see you in kathmandu
Eranga - SLNG:thnaks all bye
Waleed Khaliqi (NITPAA):thank you all
Waleed Khaliqi (NITPAA):have a nice time
Tomohiro Fujisaki:Bye,all!
Aris Ignacio:Thanks everyone! :-) Thanks Satish!
Amir Qayyum:Bye all.
Silvia Vivanco:Bye all