Zoom chat: 2022-11-30 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
00:20:47 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Hi all, welcome
00:22:15 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:22:26 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Yes, we can hear you clearly
00:22:57 Hadia El Miniawi: Thank you
00:23:06 Gopal Tadepalli: Greetings. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
00:23:51 Alan Greenberg (ALAC): I'm on another call right now but will be here as soon as I can.
00:25:29 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Alan will join as soon as possible. He is on another call.
00:26:30 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Alan is on the call
00:26:39 Sarah Kiden: @Olivier, I’m attending the IGF remotely but yes, good idea to push the item to next week
00:28:03 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:28:06 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Evening/Afternoon/Morning all. Apologies for being late.
00:32:05 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Hand up by Sivasubramanian
00:33:11 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Best to weigh in on the side of the registrant and require a positive consent from the registrant.
00:33:21 Jonathan Zuck: Seems like the registrars have been pushing back against affirmative confirmation the whole time
00:34:24 Chokri Ben Romdhane: I'm with removing the Fao, and refusing this new proposal, since this will impact the period of the transfer
00:35:22 Chokri Ben Romdhane: as an end user we have to reduce this period
00:36:03 Alan Greenberg (ALAC): I'm on now.
00:37:18 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Some resellers don't use the registrant's e-mail as the admin e-mail contact for domain names. This gets into a new and very murky area on transfers.
00:39:16 Holly Raiche: In the end, are we not arguing that the registrant must have an opportunity to stop a transfer. But addressing Siva, is it possible to make rules for registrars internal processes
00:39:31 Sivasubramanian M: Thank you Michelle.
00:39:59 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Hands up by Holly then Alan
00:43:17 Chokri Ben Romdhane: in my opinion the major achievement of the WG during the phase 1 is removing this FAO
00:44:03 Holly Raiche: Agree with Alan
00:45:39 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:52:11 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Sorry about my audio
00:53:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Phrase the question clearly then
00:54:28 Gopal Tadepalli: People had their domains stolen or hijacked and even 5 days is actually not enough for most folks to stop an illegal transfer. They could be on vacations or just not checking their email. The 5 day waiting period is just there for your security. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
00:55:24 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: We need positive consent from the losing registrar/registant.
00:55:39 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: strawman is for loosing verification back in Yes
00:56:35 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Question is if you do NOT want to have the verification back in then make a tick or hand jesture
00:57:52 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: This is confusing. Is the tick for the positive consent from the registrant to the transfer?
00:58:09 Jonathan Zuck: Yes. Tick is for positive consent
00:58:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: no the tick is for NOT having it
00:59:30 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Really confusing.
00:59:39 Holly Raiche: Steinar’s statement said the tick is for affirmative consent
00:59:41 Bill Jouris: That's how I understood the tick
00:59:47 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Agree with JZ
00:59:48 Hadia El Miniawi: I also thought the tick supported the strawman
00:59:49 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: SO a tick is NOW FOR the strawman
01:00:06 Dave Kissoondoyal - ALAC: +1 JZ
01:00:29 Holly Raiche: YES
01:00:32 Hadia El Miniawi: +1 to the affirmative consent
01:00:41 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Positive consent for a tick.
01:01:48 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: 20 green ticks counted
01:03:32 Jonathan Zuck: Where is it supposed to happen?
01:03:53 Steinar Grøtterød: I take the 20 “greens” and announce this to the TPR PDP WG meeting tomorrow
01:04:03 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: great. Bearing in mind the number of support staff, interpreters and observers, this is a good number.
01:04:32 Jonathan Zuck: The meeting to decide the agenda of the meeting to prepare for the meeting about the meeting has taken place.
01:04:32 Steinar Grøtterød: Agreed @Olivier
01:05:56 Sivasubramanian M: What f 2 f meeting is Greg talking about?
01:06:26 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Think it is one in Washington?
01:08:22 Gopal Tadepalli: To expedite the transfer, you will need to contact the losing registrar and ask them to approve the transfer. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
01:08:28 Jonathan Zuck: “On the advice of counsel….”
01:10:09 Jonathan Zuck: Just started
01:10:50 Greg Shatan: F2F of Closed Generics Small Group in Washington, DC in January.
01:11:29 Sivasubramanian M: Thank you John & Greg
01:31:39 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Keeping two sets of data in synch is going to be fun.
01:32:29 Jonathan Zuck: Indeed, @JM
01:35:51 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: @CW It might be an idea to get registrars to publish those announcements rather than ICANN as few end users even realise that ICANN exists.
01:36:09 Holly Raiche: Support the addition
01:36:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No objection
01:36:53 Jonathan Zuck: thanks
01:37:17 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Staff will update the ALAC statement as agreed
01:42:03 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Webinar - Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase Assessment (SubPro ODA) | Weds., 14 Dec., 13:00 UTC & 20:00 UTC
01:42:17 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-hosts-community-webinar-on-new-gtld-subpro-oda-22-11-2022-en
01:43:26 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: The times of the proposed sessions may likely change depending on when the EPDP-IDN sessions are
01:51:32 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Here is the link to the plenary topics Jonathan is presenting: https://icann.wufoo.com/reports/plenary-session-topic-proposals-76
01:53:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Sorry have to leave for another meeting now
01:53:46 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Thank you for joining
01:56:32 Claire Craig: Sorry I have to leave now.
02:00:24 Gopal Tadepalli: @ Jonathan Zuck: Topic 3: Information is only one of the aspects of "Human Connection" to improve the Multistakeholder Model? Should it be WSIS++20. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
02:00:57 Jonathan Zuck: YES! Everyone should try attend that so we can discuss!
02:02:17 Holly Raiche: Sorry - have to leave now
02:04:26 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Please note Real time transcribing has disconnected from the meeting, thank you.
02:05:06 Hadia El Miniawi: Thank you Christopher
02:07:03 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Cheryl has left the meeting
02:07:12 Jonathan Zuck: My guess is that the objections would come from EU
02:07:14 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: That was one of the concerns we had as well, Olivier, thank you for asking. We want to share the burden
02:07:28 Jonathan Zuck: We can pick this back up
02:08:11 Jonathan Zuck: Thanks all!
02:08:38 John McCormac - HosterStats.com: Thanks and later all.
02:08:45 Alan Greenberg (ALAC): 1300 is midnight in Australia. 14 is 1 am
02:08:49 Dave Kissoondoyal - ALAC: Thanks and bye to all
02:08:53 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Thank you all
02:09:07 Gopal Tadepalli: Thank you.
02:09:09 Roberto Gaetano: bye all