ALAC Monthly Meeting Guest Speaker's Program

ALAC Monthly Meeting Guest Speaker's Program


MonthGuest Speaker and Title/AffiliationTopic

March Philippe Fouquart, Chair of the GNSO Council What’s on top in the GNSO for 2022 that At-Large will probably wish to take note of to prepare for their participation (TBC)

Xavier Calvez, Senior Vice President, Planning and Chief Financial Officer, ICANN

Becky Nash, Vice President, Planning, ICANN

Shani QuidwaiSenior Director, Finance

FY23 Draft Operating and Financial Plans
MarchPhilippe Fouquart Chair of the GNSO CouncilThe role of the GNSO Council Chair and expectations for the GNSO and of the value of At-Large.

Alan Greenberg & Jonathan Zuck

Yrjö Länsipuro & Justine Chew

The ALAC Responses to the Questions from the GNSO Small Group on DNS Abuse

The IGO Final Report

MayGraeme BuntonUpdate on the DNS Abuse Institute Activities
JuneN/A due to ICANN74
JulyLeon Sanchez, ICANN Board Vice Chair and Director selected by At-Large 
AugustGöran Marby, ICANN President and CEO
SeptemberN/A due to ICANN75
October Leon Sanchez, ICANN Board Director selected by At-Large 



MonthGuest Speaker and Title/AffiliationTopic
JanuaryLeón Sánchez, ICANN Board Vice Chair and Director selected by At-LargeUpdate on Board Activities and 2021 Board Priorities 
FebruaryJohn Crain, Chief Security,  Stability and Resiliency Office, ICANN

DAAR 2.0 and how it might impact end users

MarchN/A due to  ICANN70

Rod Rasmussen, Chair of the SSAC

Julie Hammer, Vice-Chair of the SSAC

An overview of what the ccNSO is focusing on for FY22, and how At-Large members can contribute in any way
MayAlejandra Reynoso, Chair of the ccNSOAn overview of what the ccNSO is focusing on for FY22
JuneN/A due to ICANN71
JulyLeón Sánchez, ICANN Board Vice Chair and Director selected by At-Large Updates from issues raised on the Board/ALAC Meeting and Board Activities 

Jana Juginovic, Senior Director, Communications & Content, ICANN

Mike Takahashi, Web Content Strategy Director, ICANN

Eli Khan, Document Control Specialist, ICANN

Carlos Reyes, Director, Policy and Strategy, ICANN

ITI Update & Public Comment Submission Process

SeptemberAjay Data, CEO, Data Ingenious Global LimitedUpdate on the activities of the UA Steering Group
October N/A due to ICANN72
NovemberGöran Marby, ICANN President and CEOToward ICANN73 and ICANN74