At-Large Priority Activities - 2020

At-Large Priority Activities - 2020

Post-ATLAS III & 2020 Activities

ActivityLeadOther At-Large Leaders InvolvedDeadlineReference Document(s)Status
Policy Advice Development Jonathan Zuck and Olivier Crepin-LeblondMarita Moll, Holly Raiche. Justine Chew, Roberto Gaetano, Greg Shatan, Christopher WilkinsonOngoingAt-Large Policy Advice Development Page
Post-ATLAS III Activities/At-Large 2020 Vision

OngoingPost-ATLAS III Activities
1) Post-ATLAS FeedbackEduardo DiazCheryl Langdon Orr, Ongoing

2) At-Large Regional Policy Engagement PlanHeidi Ullrich/Alperen Eken
April 2020


Roll-out with Regional Leaders in March

3) At-Large Review ImplementationMaureen Hilyard
30 May 2020At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development

Final Report being reviewed by the Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee

a) ALS MobilizationAlan Greenberg
29 May 2020ALS Mobilization Working PartyFinal ALS Mobilization Report in final review. ALAC endorsement to begin shortly. 


Maureen Hilyard/Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Jonathan Zuck, Holly Raiche, Daniel Nanghaka, Alan Greenberg, Ricardo Holmquist

early May
Job DescriptionsMaureen Hilyard

currently on a google doc for comment.

29 May 2020

Final ReportMaureen Hilyard/Cheryl Langdon-Orr

30 June 2020

4) Policy Involvement

a) Policy Platform

Jonathan Zuck

Joanna Kulesza


5) Capacity Building

a) ICANN Learn Policy Development Course Team

b) ICANN At-Large Onboarding Slide Deck Team

c) Webinars Team

Alfredo Calderon and Joanna KuleszaWebinar sessions have been assigned dates

webinar dates?


At-Large Capacity Building Working Group

In progress 

6) Outreach and Engagement ActivitiesDaniel NanghakaRegional Strategies completed in consultation with GSE staffend of April 2020ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement

7) Operations/Communications

a) Cross-Community activities

Maureen Hilyard

Includes ATRT3, SubPro, Auction Proceeds

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Hadia Elminawi, Alan Greenberg, Justine Chew, Sebastien Bachollet, Vanda Scartezini, Daniel Nanghaka, Judith Hellerstein 

At-Large Communications Strategy (August 2020): See Google Doc (comment-only)

ICANN At-Large Virtual Outreach and Engagement Strategy v1.0 (draft, April 2020):

At-Large Social Media Working Group (SMWG) strategy (June 2018):

and tactics (June 2018):

2020 At-Large Elections, Selections and Appointments

Maureen Hilyard/RALO Chairs/Heidi Ullrich

29 May 2020

2020 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and AppointmentsCOMPLETED
ICANN68 PrepMaureen Hilyard/ICANN68 Prep/Gisella Gruber
19 June 2020ICANN68 - June 2020COMPLETED