Zoom chat: 2022-07-06 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
16:01:32 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome, All!
16:01:56 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Greetings, people of Earth
16:02:38 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
You'd think it was summer or something!
16:06:51 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone:
Greetings everyone… welcome back from ICANN74. Was great seeing many of you again.
16:07:29 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
16:07:37 From Hadia ElMiniawi to Everyone:
Weclome Chantelle
16:08:07 From Hadia ElMiniawi to Everyone:
16:08:15 From Sarah Kiden to Everyone:
Welcome to At-Large, Chantelle!
16:08:20 From Satish Babu to Everyone:
Welcome Chantelle!
16:08:27 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
Welcome Chantelle
16:08:35 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Whoo hoo!
16:08:59 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
16:09:29 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone:
Welcome Chantelle
16:09:49 From Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you all
16:11:38 From Alberto Soto to Everyone:
Hi, sorry I’m late
16:12:31 From Gerardo Mtz Hdz ICANN74 FELLOW to Everyone:
Greetings to all from Aguascalientes, Mexico
16:13:29 From Dave Kissoondoyal (ICANN ALAC) to Everyone:
Hello everyone.. Apologies for being late
16:15:01 From Harold Arcos to Everyone:
Saludos @Alberto y @Gerardo! genial encontrarnos de nuevo,,
16:17:58 From Alberto Soto to Everyone:
@Harold, hola!! me alegro de este reencuentro!
16:22:53 From Christopher Wilkinson to Everyone:
@ Streiner: 1. I support the conclusions. 2. Mainly on trust because the fonts are so small that I can hardly read them. 3. I have long argued there should NOT BE un-contracted resellers. CW
16:26:47 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
The explanation is explicit @Steiner
16:27:04 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
Thank you
16:29:08 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
good luck. Lots of good luck.
16:29:35 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
(that was meant for someone here posted in the main chat)
16:30:22 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
perhaps proposed langauge
16:31:01 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
@Steiner As Alan says, it is not enough, and may even be counter-effective to merely pass on the obligations to the Resellers, Resellers being numerous, it serves to free the Registrars of their own obligation.
16:31:22 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
The registrar is different from the hosting provider
16:34:04 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
Registrar's responsibility remains unchanged, whether or not those responsibilities are conveyed to Resellers. 'Otherwise, it is not me, it is the reseller' situation would persist
16:35:18 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
If there is a web developer providing a service to the registrant and the web dev has no reseller contract with the registrar then that is one of those unusual cases.
16:36:54 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
The reseller is part of the registrar and is a representative of the registrar
16:37:45 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@Daniel The reseller is not part of the registrar. They are typically separate businesses.
16:38:39 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
The reseller sells a domain on behalf of the registrar and earns a profit hence is an added service
16:38:49 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone:
and resellers usually have no contract with ICANN at all
16:39:36 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
@Olivier that is right
16:39:44 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@Daniel The registrar and reseller are not the same business. The reseller resells the service of the registrar.
16:40:35 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone:
Thank you all for the great call as usual
16:40:58 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
@John, that is true
16:42:10 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
The registrar has services and domain is one of them and the reseller sells the services offered by the registrar
16:45:02 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
That the Reseller may offer mulitiple services does NOT lighten, neither the Registrar nor the Reseller of the contractual obligations related to Domain Name Registration. This argument seems to hint at complications for a small business that offers multiple services in paying particular attention to the Domain Registration process
16:45:38 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
It is extremely difficult to measure the reseller market but the off-registrar hosting of gTLD domain names is approximately 26%. These are domain names hosted off the registrar nameservers.
16:45:52 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
The CPWG workspace has key background information: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=99713472
16:45:53 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
the whole reseller/hosting provider question goes well beyond this issue alone
16:46:03 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@JZ Tell me about it. :)
16:46:31 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
and each of the tabs under each PDP on the CPWG agendas has specific information related to that PDP.
16:47:20 From Steinar Grøtterød to Everyone:
Just remember that the Inter-Registrar PDP is for the gTLDs - not ccTLDs
16:47:27 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
@Zahra. please let us know if those links are useful. Thank you.
16:49:29 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
@ @John A Host charges, say $10 per month for hosting services, whereas the domain is at least notionally $10 a year. If the revenue stream originates in the registration of the domain name, it is all the more reason why the hosting provider attaches paramount importance to the standards expected of domain name registration.
16:50:15 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@Steinar There are only about 700 retail gTLD registrars with the others being drop catchers. There are thousands of ccTLD registrars. Luckily this is just dealing with gTLDs.
16:50:34 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
Hosting or other service provider, a provider of any value added service, should the provider choose to offer domain registration as an integral part of the range of services offered
16:51:31 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
@John The policies discussed and adopted here may also have an influence on ccTLD policies.
16:52:13 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
Having said that, the gTLD can also look at ccTLD registration policies, for comparison and to measure their effectiveness / excesses, if any
16:52:22 From Zahra Shah to Everyone:
Thank you for the link Heidi!
16:52:27 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@Siva They may but ccTLDs are their own fiefdoms.
16:53:20 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
@John That probably comes under "excesses"
16:53:40 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@Siva even working out the registrar model of ccTLDs is much more complex because some of the registries have outsourced operations to operators like Afilias.
16:56:07 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
@John I don't have a comment here about the business choice of ccTLDs, but my question here is, if ccTLDs have nearly rescinded control, if ccTLDs have allowed the ccTLDs to be more than country (code) TLDs, shouldn't those ccTLDs atleast be brought under gTLD processes? Like, "ccTLDs deemed gTLDs"
16:57:03 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@Siva No. They are still covered by their contracts with the local governments or administrations.
17:00:08 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
Why is it that in the corporate world mergers and acquisitions happen at warp speed, agreements and contracts get rolled over and transitioned swiftly, while a status quo in matters related to government stagnate for ages, long after the status quo has become irrelevant? @John
17:01:47 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@Siva Too many stakeholders and a lot more legislation. Governments rarely want to give up power over TLDs so they outsource them. Even then the redelegation contracts can have time limits before they revert to the government.
17:02:26 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
@John Would it take a parliamentary consensus or a referendum for a government to acknowledge that its ccTLD is now gTLD-like, that the country did not find a country code purposeful?
17:02:51 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
@Siva That would be a question for the lawyers and governments.
17:03:00 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
doesn't really inspire questions ;)
17:11:00 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
@Alan <q> Hasn't enough time elapsed between policy discussions and now, so much so that some of the recommendations might have become obsolete to implement>
17:11:05 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone:
17:11:05 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Man, I hope so!
17:12:43 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
let's get staff for summaries, whenever possible
17:13:29 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone:
Very informative call, professional and respectful. Welcome to the new people participating today. Stay safe and be kind.
17:13:33 From Sarah Kiden to Everyone:
Thank you everyone!
17:13:50 From Satish Babu to Everyone:
Thanks and bye!
17:14:01 From Alberto Soto to Everyone:
Thanks, by bye fromBuenos Aires!
17:14:04 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone:
Thank you all! Have a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening.
17:14:29 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone:
Later all and thanks.
17:15:14 From Steinar Grøtterød to Everyone:
17:15:17 From Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you!
17:15:19 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone: