Summary Minutes 24 August 2010

Summary Minutes 24 August 2010

Participants: Hong Xue, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Charles Mok, Fouad Bajwa, Pavan Budhrani, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, William Tibben, Edmon Chung

Apologies: Rajnesh Singh, Vivek Anand

Staff: Matthias Langenegger

The meeting was quorate.

The summary minutes from the last meeting were adopted.

Review of the action itmes from the last meeting:

Pavan: I have not received any feedback on my email with regards to the African Statement on the Bylaw modifications.

Hong: The travel policy is very important to us and will be further discussed.

Outreach WG

Hong: The outreach WG call during the last month has been canceled. Our Vice Chair Fouad will take care of outreach issues. This will be followed up.

AI: Pavan will change the action item on the NomCom email from the previous call to ensure that the Siranush has been nominated for the NomCom position.

APRALO Elections, announcements and leadership

Hong: The Vice Chair and NomCom election processes have recently been completed. Congratulations to Charles Mok for his election to the Vice Chair position and to Dr. Vivek Anand for his selection as the APRALO recommended NomCom delegate. I call on everybody on the call to reach out to possible candidates for the ALAC position.

Division of labor among leadership

Hong: I would like to stress to importance of a clear division of labor among the APRALO leaders. The Vice Chair kindly accepted my suggestions. Fouad agreed to be responsible for outreach and in-reach. Charles has kindly agreed to take car of the policly issues. Charles mentioned that he would like to work on Rajnesh

Charles: Policy is also one of my weak points and I will use your help.

Hong: i suggest that both of you reach out to others to manage your workload.

Hong: the role of the Secretariat is also very important. Pavan has been very busy in the past and will collaborate closely with the two Vice Chair.

Fouad: In-reach has become very critical. As we have seen in the recent election, participation is very low at the moment. Only one Third of ALSes have participated in the recent vote. Secondly, we need to find ways to get more ALSes to join APRALO. Also, we need to find ways to get more ALSes participate at the ICANN meeting.

General Assembly in 2011

Hong: I hope the GA next year will be a great success. Since Charles and myself have interim positions, I suggest that Fouad will take a larger share of the preparations to ensure consistency. Secondly, there will be a regional showcase in Asia-Pacific.

CLO: We haven't cleared up whether we will be able to ask for travel support for our ALSes. This issue will be further discussed.

Hong: thank you Cheryl. We have always maintained that ICANN needs to fund one ALS to attend the GA. Fouad, I suggest that you get involved in this.

Fouad: I take not of this. I also would like to point out that there are a lot of ongoing processes and we will need to make sure that we keep track of them.

Cheryl: The North American meeting will probably be in Hawaii. Perhabs we should look at that option as well.

Hong: We should argue for travel support to attend the GA. The ICANN meetings are not only an opportunity for us to discuss internal issues but also to further our policy input and reach out to possible new members.

APRALO members upcoming activities and events

Hong: I urge you all again to submit the events that you are going to attend to keep us all in the loop. For example, Raj will attend APRICOT in Australia.

Cheryl: I would like to note that we have moved to March for historic reason. It used to be linked to the Financial Year starting in July and was changed at the GA in Mexico in 2009. We need to look carefully at when we plan our elections. There is some additional flexibilty in our planning.

Hong: We have been sticking to the 12 Month cycles starting in March ever since.

Charles: we might need to look at our Bylaws again in that respect.

Cheryl: I would not like to see our quorate drop further. However, I think we should look at proxy voting. I think we should be addressed in our bylaws.

Hong: Thank you for raising this.

Outreach & In-reach programs

Fouad: With regards to the ISOC mentoring program, I will refer to Raj in future occassions. I would like to stress again that participation is crucial and we need more ALSes participating in the monthly calls and the ICANN meetings. I presented the APRALO results of the ALS in Survey in Brussels.

Pavan: One of the action items was to have. Another suggestion was that instead of asking ALS representatives to join our calls, we could also join their calls.

Fouad: would it be possible to do a one page summary of the ALS survey including recommendations to increase the regional activities?

AI: Pavan will write a one page summary of the results of the ALS survey for the next call and make suggestions on outreach and inreach activities

Pavan: With regards to the brochure, I would like to get your feedback to improve the current brochure with regards for the next brochure.

Cheryl: I strongly encourage you to join recommendations WT B on ALS participation. I also think it would be useful for Charles to join WT D.

Hong: I suggest that we update the brochure every year to reflect organisational changes and to ensure the information is not outdated. I suggest that we update the brochure with regards to the GA.

ALS Application

Fouad: This is a very interesting application for us because according to the ICANN geographic regions, it pertains to our region. The applicant would like to join EURALO. However, we will need to stick to ICANN's geographic distribution. We are still awaiting additional information from the applicant to complete the review process.

Hong: This application reflects the dilemma of the At-Large regions. We have two representative in the geographic regions WG.

Fouad: The question is what do we do with Euraasian countries.

Cheryl: I understand that and I think we need to be careful where we draw the line. It is a very difficult qustion. If the geographic regions will be redefinded we will look at this application again.

APRALO Outreach Slides

Hong: Raj was concerned that we do not have an APRALO slide template. This has been an issue for a long time.

Fouad: We will need to differentiate between APRALO outreach and inreach slides. I think we need a brief slideshow and more detailled presentation which would also included addtitional info on the ALS survey, the countries we represent etc. If we do outreach, we will need a more concise presentation. Do we need one or two presentation.

Hong: That's a thoughtful proposition. We are looking forward to the presentations. I also like to the idea to distribute the brochure when we do presentation.

Policy works

Charles: I suggest that I form a WG and will contact Cheryl and Raj to come up with a workplan for the coming months to ensure that our work is well alligned with the public policy schedule.

AI: Charles will work with Cheryl and Raj on a workplan to structure the regional policy work. The workplan will be presented at the next meeting.

Hong: This is a very thoughtful proposal. The policy structure is quite complex and will need a lot of consideration.

Cheryl: The back end of the PAD has a macro which will push out information on upcoming public consultations. I suggest that Charles and myself get involved with Carlton to ensure that our region is kept in the loop.

AI: Cheryl and Charles will get in contact with Carlton to ensure that APRALO will receive automatic updates on upcoing public consultation.

BCEC Update

Cheryl: the nomination period for the Director position has been extended until September 6th. The next call will be on Wednesday and we will have further updates thereafter. I would also like to welcome Fouad to the BCEC and we are lucky to be able to make use of his confluence wiki skills.

Chair's Report

Cheryl: We will be making another call to get more participation in the cross-constituency workgroup on Morality and Public Order.

Hong: I read through the terms of reference and it appears that only one liaison per region can join the work groups.

Cheryl: That is correct, but we need as many participants as possible to subscribe to the list and join the calls. We need people to support our point of view.

Hong: In the absence of Vivek and James let's go to any other business. Are there any other items for discussion? If not, let me thank you very much for your dedication and your work for the community. I am looking forward to working with you offline. With this, the call is officially adjourned.