Meeting Outcomes 25 September 2007

Meeting Outcomes 25 September 2007


I would like to share with you the outcomes of the 25 September 2007 APRALO Teleconference.
Teleconference details are available at 25 september 2007

  1. It appears that Delhi may be the location of the February 2008 meeting. Note this is currently unofficial and could not be confirmed by ICANN staff. A concern raised at the teleconference was the lack of engagement/co-ordination with the AP community (w.r.t. at least APRALO in this instance) on the AP meeting location.Your comments are invited on this issue and where/how APRALO should fit in the planning process of an ICANN meeting in the region (and whether we actually have/should have any role in this).
  2. APTLD 'Fast Track' for IDN's in ccTLD's - this has been circulated to APRALO from previous meetings. No negative comments/feedback have been received and the following resolution has been adopted:That APRALO support the "very limited and controlled approach"; for an allocation of ccTLD IDN's, as proposed by the APTLD, for a FastTrack allocation of ccTLD IDN's, while ICANN goes through their more extensive Policy Development Process; and to vocally show this support at the ICANN meeting LA.' Proposed: Cheryl Langdon Orr; Seconded: Gary Soo at 28 August Teleconference 28 august 2007
  3. ALAC Budget process has begun. APRALO needs to finalise its submission and a call for submissions will be circulated shortly.
  4. The next APRALO Teleconference will be a face to face meeting at ICANN LA, with a number of APRALO members expected to be in attendance.Cheryl will co-ordinate time, date and location. The APRALO community will be asked for their input on any issues that need to be highlighted, or that warrants attention.
  5. In light of the February 2008 ICANN meeting being held in the AP region, an APRALO WG will be setup to plan/maximise opportunities at this meeting.
  6. There has been a request to move the monthly Teleconference time from 0600 GMT to 0500 GMT. This will allow some members a better chance of joining the teleconference. The teleconference attendees supported the change. Community comments are requested on this change.
  7. APRALO was scheduled to meet twice next year. Once at the ICANN February meeting and again at the IGF, which is being held in-region and presents outstanding opportunities to meet some of our outreach activities. If the ICANN February meeting is held in Delhi, this does mean meeting twice in Delhi (February and November). APRICOT will be held in February in Taiwan shortly after the ICANN meeting so meeting at APRICOT will not be appropriate. There does not appear to be any other major meeting in the region that would be suitable for outreach efforts matching the opportunities IGF presents. As well, APTLD has suggested a joint APRALO-APTLD meeting at IGF. The teleconference attendees felt that meeting again in Delhi during IGF still presents the best option. Your comments are invited on this issue.

Rajnesh D. Singh