Nominations to ICANN 2008 Nominating Committee

Nominations to ICANN 2008 Nominating Committee

APRALO needs to select a candidate for an ALAC seat on the ICANN 2008 Nominating Committee.

This needs to be relayed to the powers-that-be before end September, so based on this APRALO needs to complete its deliberations on a suitable candidate by August 31st 2007.

The Nominating Committee typically has two face to face meetings per year, and travel and subsistence expenses are paid for all committee members who do not have other sources of support.

Please engage within your ALS and and across the APRALO community so we can reach consensus on a candidate. If there are no definitive nominations from the ALS' within APRALO, your Officers will make a selection and decision on your behalf.

For your convenience here is a timeline:

Deadline for nominations from ALS':

August 21st 2007 2300 UTC

Vetting of nominations and consensus process:

August 22nd to August 26th

Reach consensus:

by August 27th

Vote (if no consensus):

August 28th to August 30th

Announce and relay result:

August 31st 2007

This is an important position within the ICANN structure so your input is valuable.

Please send your nominations and comments on candidates to the APAC discussion list, and these will be updated on the link below.

Rajnesh D. Singh
8th August 2007

UPDATE: Karaitiana Taiuru has been elected by ALAC to NomCom. Full results available here: http://www.bigpulse.com/pollresults?code=LQd3RxzYmVRLkU6DT5DM