March 2006

March 2006

Asia-Pacific Regional At-Large Meeting

Tuesday, 28 March 2006, 13:30-15:30
Frank Taplin Room, Wellington Convention Centre
Wellington, New Zealand

Proposed Agenda

1. Introductions
2. Review of Vancouver APRALO meeting and previous activities
3. Discussion of draft bylaws (see below)
4. Discussion of MOU approach
5. Next steps



Amended Operating Principles No 4 of the Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization of ICANN


1. Name:

1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization.

( hereinafter referred to as "APRALO")

2. Definitions:

2.1 In these Operating Principles the words standing in the first column shall bear the meaning set opposite to them if inconsistent with the subject or context.

"ALAC" - At-Large Advisory Committee

"ALS" - At-Large Structure

"APRALO" - Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization

"ICANN" - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

"RALO" - Regional At-Large Organizations

"Member" - A member of the APRALO

3. Objectives:

3.1 This body is formed with the following objectives :-

3.1.1 to provide a forum and promote and encourage Asia/Pacific Internet users' participation and involvement in ICANN and other bodies related to the Internet in an open, accountable and transparent manner;

3.1.2 to promote understand and advocate for individual Internet users and to provide a forum for outreach, co-ordination and exchange of information and knowledge for persons who live in the Asia Pacific region the region as defined by ICANN.

3.1.3 to act as an interface between individual Internet users and ICANN and other bodies related to the Internet and to promote skills development and information exchange related to the Internet amongst Members;

3.1.4 to breach the digital divide and encourage users in developing countries to participate in APRALO.

3.1.5 to elect Members of APRALO to ALAC;

3.2 APRALO shall be certified by ICANN and abide by the by-laws of ICANN regarding individual users' participation and involvement.


4. Membership

4.1 All ALS in the Asia Pacific region may be Members of the APRALO.

4.2 There shall be no limit as to the number of Members of the APRALO.

4.3 All Members shall be entitled to attend and participate at all Meetings and be entitled to access information via a publicly accessed World Wide Web site maintained by APALRO.

4.4 All Members shall be entitled to participate in APALRO mailing lists including but not limited to ICANN functions and activities that impact on the Asia Pacific region.


5. The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretariat:

5.1 The Chairperson shall be elected by a consensus of the Members for a period of two years from the date of the first annual general meeting and shall act as Chairperson at all APRALO Meetings and shall represent the APRALO in its dealings with outside persons.

5.2 The vice chairperson shall be elected by a consensus of members for a period of two years from the first annual general meeting and shall deputize for the Chairperson in the latter's absence.

5.3 If a vacancy occurs a replacement shall be elected by a consensus of members at the first general meetings after the vacancy occurs.

5.4 A secretariat for the APRALO may be appointed by a consensus of the Members.

5.5 The secretariat shall be responsible for recording meetings and performing administration functions.


6. Meetings

6.1 The APRALO shall hold once every year an Annual General Meeting, in addition to any other meetings in that calendar year, and not more than fifteen (15) months shall elapse between the date of one Annual General Meeting and that of the next.

6.2 The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.

6.3 The Annual General Meeting or a Meeting shall be held at a venue accessible to all members and shall be called by at least twenty one ( 21) days notice and shall specify the time, date and venue of the Meeting and an agenda.

6.4 A quorum at any Annual General Meeting or Meeting shall be one third (1/3) of the Members.

6.5 The Chairperson shall announce the results of any election that has taken place.

6.9 Decisions of any Meeting shall be made by a consensus of Members present.

6.10 At any meeting the Operating Principles may be changed, amended, added to or repealed upon the decision of a consensus of Members present at the meeting.

7. Decision Making

7.1 All decision making at meetings and elections shall be by a consensus of Members present.

7.2 Upon the consensus of Members, voting on the election of management positions may be carried out using such electronic and or on-line means ( including web applications, e mail and/or video conferencing) as determined appropriate by the chairperson and vice chairperson.

8. Dissolution

8.1 APRALO may be dissolved by a consensus of Members if it is determined the objectives of APRALO have been achieved to a satisfactory degree or if it is determined that APRALO will no longer be able to function effectively.

8.2 Dissolution will be agreed upon on at a General Meeting provided such notice is given to all Members 90 days before the Meeting is held.

8.3 In the case of dissolution any assets of APRALO will be transferred to ALC.

Please Note .After consensus is reached on these operational principles in the event of a MOU with ICANN they may require modification.