Transcription ordinary monthly APRALO meeting 22 June 2010

Transcription ordinary monthly APRALO meeting 22 June 2010

Click here to read the transcription of the extraordinary monthly APRALO meeting on 22 June.

Participants: Izumi Aizu, James Seng, Vivek Annand, Hong Xue, Fouad Bajwa, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Edmon Chung, Siva Muthusamy, Rajnesh Singh
Apologies: Les Allison
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: …representative role, we have a quorate meeting coming up, just a few minutes past the hour, coming up to the five minutes past the hour, which is an extraordinary thing considering how many times I know some of us gave gone through and flown through and don’t know where we’re in – those of you in your own offices and homes have a distinct advantage of us, this being the normal time for your APRALO meeting, so excellent for you, and so far no coffee for us.

We have in the room, just so we can read to the record, Zumi Azo, we have James Seng, we have Vivek, we have Hong, we have staff Matthias and Heidi, we have Fawad , myself Cheryl Langdon-Orr, and I believe we have Pavan on the line, is there anyone I haven’t called to the record that is on the line? I’m hearing no one and noting with almost scarily good timing, Edmund coming in to the room. We’re now well and truly quorate and if anyone else joins the room we’ll record them as present in the record. Can I ask staff, do we have any apologies that we’re aware of?

I think pro forma we have apologies from our other Vice-Chair, Liz Allenson, and obviously anyone else whose apologies come in on lists when some of us manage to get power to our computers and look up our email, it will also be noted. Fawad , who has been very recently elected, one of the two Vice-Chairs for Asia-Pacific Regional At-Large Organization has arrived in Brussels, and has arrived straight into chairing a meeting and being acting chair, so I promised I’d help him, nudge him, and poke him when he runs too verbose or behind time. He looks like he’s ready. Therefore I’m going to hand over to you.

Fawad Bajwa: Good morning and hello everyone. This is really great to have the opportunity to meet you all face to face. Our ship in the past few weeks has gone into sort of a storm, and now we have to pull it out as well, because our next meeting is going to be after six months, so we have some extra time on our hands, to sort whatever we can.

So going to the next agenda item, we’re going to review of the previous action items on the previous minutes for the next five minutes, and if you can access the Wiki, the social text, you can see that the brochure was the most important agenda item, and now we have our brochures out. Has everyone received copies of the brochure? At least you’ve got 500 copies of the brochure?
We’re going to be handing these out in the fellowships, we’ve been invited to the fellowship session as well, so we’re going to be handing it to the people there and all the new people you can include. I’ve been handing this to some people from the Asia Pacific Region as well. I’ve been talking with people about it, so let’s start handing these out. Apart from that, we have another thing. Great work to the ICANN staff and (inaudible 0:03:33) of course, and all those who participated in the commence process with us brochure. That’s the only agenda item I have at the moment on the action items from the 25th May 2010.

Edmund Chong: This is Edmund. I just want to let people know that we did give out about 300 of the brochures at the regional IGF that was in (inaudible 0:03:57).

Fawad Bajwa: Great. Oh great. Heidi, did you take note of that? So it might be useful to have a link here, where we’re distributing in large quantities if we distribute brochures, it should be mentioned these were shared so we can keep track of where our outreach is going. Yes, please. Cheryl –

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Just for that matter, and it’s my error for now having looked at the APRALO site for the last couple of days, but I’ve been reading novels and watching television – no I haven’t been doing that, I’ve been running from pillar to post for ATRT. Are we going to have, or is there already, a link where we can download the PDF from our site? Because I think that’s important that we can say to general rank and file people we meet at a dinner or a cocktail party, here is the URL you can download this wonderful pamphlet.

Heidi Ulrich: Yes, that URL will be put into the chat room momentarily, Matthias?

Matthias Langenegger: It’s also linked to the main at large (inaudible 0:05:03) page. There’s a news item currently up on the website and there’s also a link on the internal page, so.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Matthias, my problem with the news item is it’s there for this week, it needs to be a fixed link. The news item disappears, we need a fixed link so it’s a single URL that in five years time, whatever version of this pamphlet we have is the same anchored space.

Fawad Bajwa: I think if you use right on the main, right where it says (web address) right over there we can have it in the basic information because this opens up.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: To argue with you, as is my wont from time to time, Mr. Chair – I think it needs to be there, but it needs to be on ICANN.org on the front, because that’s the URL that even I can remember at this time of day.

Fawad Bajwa: Yes, we should have it directly on the main URLs, and yeah. So we should have it on the main.

Matthias Langenegger: Okay. Let me just show you quickly where it is at the moment. It’s under At-Large @ICANN.org/APRALO and on the left hand side you can see a link saying outreach materials, that’s where you’ll see a picture and a link to download the PDF.

Fawad Bajwa: But still, we have to mention this as –

Heidi Ulrich: Just a thought. The Google maps that we currently have that show each of the ALS throughout the At-Large community, perhaps we could create another one that shows where the brochures have been distributed and to what number.

Fawad Bajwa: Yeah, but even on the ALAC website, if on the left we can have like these small screenshots of the brochures, all of them. AFRALO, APRALO, all of them so any one who comes to At-Large can immediately access irrespective of which organization it is. So agenda item number two, we have the brochure. Thank you Edmund for sharing the brochure widely with the community during the Regional (inaudible 0:07:34) and IGF. Aside from that, does anyone have any comments over the brochure (inaudible0:07:40 -0:07:55)?

Fawad Bajwa: Great, Gregory, Cheryl?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We do thank and we appreciate the offer of translation, but the new language services policy is that in order to have a standard across all languages that we do use the language services for all translations. So we will be translating that into the simplified Chinese.

Fawad Bajwa: Pavan do you take note of that? It’s good facility actually, to try to give more work to the ICANN staff. Right, so before I close this agenda item is there, yes Izabe?

Izabe: Just one little thing, first of all I commend that all the work that went to this very nice brochure. A very minor thing that is about this graph, so what’s this is my question. I’m assuming its number of users on the internet, and stuff like that. If you could add that in the PDF version it might be scientifically good.

Fawad Bajwa: Yes, Heidi, can we note that comment coming from Izabe and have that added in the PDF version of the brochure so that in future printings we can have the source of this, because definitely somebody might want to check out where these figures are coming from. Right. Anyone from the floor with any further comments? No?

So agenda item number two stands complete. So now let’s look at the other agenda items, we will distribute like three minutes into the next agenda item which is discussion of the APRALO Chair and Vice-Chair positions. As soon as – it was just a short time when the election had ended and I got the position announced and my term ends in March, but in the meantime we’ve had our ex-Chair resign.

And of course there was the thread on that, and whatever was his own personal issues, but he is completely resigned from APRALO, and then next you must have read the information about Lesley, he has had a medical condition and he was told by his medical team for an operation, so I think now we have formally received a resignation from Lesley as well. Have we? Not formally.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No, and writing from his hospital bed as he did first up, I read he said ‘obviously I will resign’ not from APRALO, but from his role as Vice-Chair. So until we get paper work as such on this, I think we’re under extraordinary circumstances and whilst we should be convening now, the extraordinary general meeting that is needed to discuss this.

I think we need to spend a couple of minutes exploring how we can best make sure we get this outcome. And I’ll be moving that we perhaps, even to the discomfort of those law professors in the room, look at not necessarily what is in the letter of our by-laws, but try to get interim as well by-laws specific outcomes.

Fawad Bajwa: Thank you Cheryl. From a personal standpoint, at the moment I’m really fresh to APRALO. There’s a considerable amount of learning that I have to achieve, and there’s also a considerable amount of work I have to do, participating with all the ALSs and the members of the region. I still stand where I’ve had informal discussions with some of the members of APRALO, that I’m certain an overwhelming situation. If I was told to (inaudible 0:12:00) for the remaining period of time for the chair, that would be too heavy for me at the moment. So I would like to open up the floor to the members to have a discussion on how they would like to go about in the chairman issues. Cheryl, please.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you Mr. Chairman. I think there’s a two stage piece here that just needs to be attended to. The discussion is important, but at the moment we are in normal meeting mode. We really need to stop normal meeting and to start our extraordinary meeting of APRALO and then move to this business. It is important. I know it sounds a little bit fussy, but for the matters – we’re talking now, these are substantive matters they effect, we have to look to our memorandums, I think we need to have a hard stop, so I’m moving that we close the APRALO meeting at this point, we now reconvene to the extraordinary general meeting of APRALO and you need to just make sure the room is happy with that and those on the line.

The ordinary monthly APRALO meeting then adjourned and an extraordinary APRALO meeting was held. After the conclusion of the extraordinary meeting, the regular meeting resumed.

click here to read the transcription of the extraordinary APRALO meeting held on June 22nd.

Hong Xue: Thank you, thank you Mr. Bajwa, and congratulations again. Okay. For the remaining agenda items, we need to be aware of the time limit. To my knowledge, ALAC is going to convene in seven minutes. For the remaining items is primarily about two issues, I summarized as listed from four to eight. One issue is about a discussion at Brussels, in past three days; another issue is our organization development to choose the future meeting plans.

For these, both are them very, very important but we must be aware of the time limit. Hopefully we can finish that in seven minutes. Shall we combine agenda item four with agenda item seven because they are about updates of Brussels meetings. We have - Cheryl has left, unfortunately, for the other commitments. We have James here, with Vivek here that probably can give us an update on what they have been talking about, and policy issues in Brussels in the last three days. So you two –

James Seng: Okay, let me try to organization my thoughts. I think – I assume I will be talking about IDN and in Brussels – (inaudible 0:51:33 not in English) to – so it’s not - I think it’s at least another two or three years of effort, and not the one, two years that we expected originally.

Hong Xue: Thank you very much, James. That was very useful and very insightful, and the PDP of the IDN CCTLDs, I have one million questions for you, but we don’t have time really for the fast track, or even the synchronization it’s not being resolved and really not (inaudible) process. And for Professor, I know you’ve been here for three days, if you have heard anything about this trademark issue in the version 4 of dag, the sense of PRDDP or something, I’ll give you one minute to talk about that. A very quick –

Vivek: These issues should end today, issues of trademarks and intellectual property rights, in fact I’ve been assigned to cover these things today and tomorrow so I will be more updated when I come back (inaudible 0:53:52).

Hong Xue: Thank you very much, Professor. Now I’d like to move to agenda item six. Hopefully we can finish discussion in one minute. That is review of the survey, I guess all of us have completed a survey, right? I file the survey on behalf of my ALSs, so what is the feedback, are we going to summarize the result now? So, Heidi, what is your suggestion now? Oh, you have presentation, right. Oh, we don’t have the time, it’s unfortunate. Probably post your slides online so we can see it, oh, okay.

Fawad Bajwa: Pavan can’t comment so I serve as presentation on the formatting of the ALAC Region Leaders Workshop, so we have full awareness.

Hong Xue: Okay, that’s really great. We will use that opportunity to go into details and hopefully is okay with you (inaudible) presentation is there. Last agenda item is very important. Is about monitoring program about the future meeting plans of APRALO, which is really sad we don’t have time for that agenda item. We save that for next meeting, and we’ll have discussion on the mailing list, okay. So for the record, we move that to the remaining action items. Okay, any other issues, from the committee, from the colleagues? We have still one minute, you are welcome to make comments. Yeah.

Fawad Bajwa: Well, my first comment is Hong, welcome to APRALO in one of your old roles, I guess, leadership roles I should say. And I would like to thank all members to reach consensus on these very, very critical and – what do you call that – not easy decisions today. And I wish all members successful ICANN Brussels meeting. Thank you.

Hong Xue: Before we adjourn, I want to thank Mr. Bajwa for kindly taking the leadership in the APRALO, and thanks all the colleagues, old friends, new friends, old faces, welcome to APRALO and hopefully we will work together very closely. So the conference is adjourned.