Meeting Summary 26 February 2008

Meeting Summary 26 February 2008



Meeting Minutes-26-02-08.dot

APRALO Montly Teleconference for February 2008

Summary Minutes

Present: C Langdon-Orr, H Xue, I Aizu, R Singh, P Budhrani, E Chung
Staff: N Ashton-Hart
Apologies: B Beiram, K Taiuru, Andrew (PICISOC)
Minutes Taken By: Pavan Budhrani

At 0525 in the absence of a quorum an informal discussion began led by the Chair of ALAC, C Langdon-Orr,

She began a discussion on the APNG Camp sponsorship proposal. Raj was asked if he could provide a summary of previous discussions on financial sponsorship. He noted that he was thinking of something around US$5,000. Izumi noted that the event was getting bigger and there should be a slot for APRALO for outreach purposes. The Chair asked who might be going to the camp without needing travel funding who could do outreach work there. The Chair noted that for Bronze sponsorship at US$2,000 one person gets a free registration. A discussion of the opportunity then concluded that those ALSes not present should be canvassed to see who is attending. E Chung said that there would be someone from his ALS present and .ASIA was a sponsor. It was generally agreed that this should be proposed for inclusion in the At-Large budget for the forthcoming year with follow-up by the APRALO Secretariat.

C Langdon-Orr noted that the budget subcommittee proposals had been posted since December and that these should be brought to completion. The Staff noted that other parts of the ICANN communities would be interested in At-Large’s perspectives on the various questions that had been asked by Doug Brent in his budget presentation in New Delhi, and would be looking for the thoughtful comments on (especially) travel support from ICANN and the lessons to be learnt for the rest of ICANN from the experience of At-Large. Other areas like translation and interpretation had been a key point for the community too and this might be a subject on which to comment.

A discussion related to the vice chair was held, including the possibility of having a second vice-chair or a deputy chair.

A further discussion related to the possibility of proxy voting was held and a review of the rules of procedure of other parts of ICANN including other RALOs was held.