Meeting Summary 22 July 2008
Meeting Minutes for 22nd July Teleconference
Present: L Allinson, P Budhrani, E Chung, F Teboul, K Taiuru, F Teboul, R Singh
Apologies: Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Rajnesh was asked to Chair the meeting.
Pavan gave a brief description of what happened in the Paris APRALO meeting and other meetings. The main items discussed were who the partners were going to be for the IGF meeting, questionnaires sent by Fred and also the application for the new ALS.
Fred said there were many other things discussed at the Paris meeting such as IDN, Fast tracking. There was good feedback received from all over the world. The ALAC review was also discussed. The Board approved the summit to be held in Mexico City.
Fred also mentioned that further information about the Summit would be sent in September.
Fred gave a brief run-down of all items discussed at the Paris Meeting and Raj said if anyone had any comments or needed more information about this, they should post it up or simply contact Fred.
Fred gave some information about the upcoming summit in Mexico City. The funding for the summit was approved. One representative from each community would be given funding.
Moving on to the next issue which was the Quorum issue, there were suggestions in the community to decrease the number from 8 to another lesser number so we can move forward with decisions.
Fred said it was better to find ways to increase participation rather than find ways to decrease the Quorum number. He suggested maybe sending out more emails to the ALS’es and other people about the upcoming meetings.
Raj said this was easier said than done and we should really consider the number of Quorum because it has been several months since we last got Quorum on the monthly tele-conferences.
Fred said he had succeeded with other RALO’s to increase the participation by sending out more emails.
Karaitiana said we should consider an online voting system so we can get decisions from people about issues anytime and we can move forward with these meetings.
Rajnesh suggested getting in touch with these ALS’es and finding out why they do not join these calls could be another idea. Maybe the time is not right or maybe they cannot dial in. We should look at problems and then try to solve them.
Karaitiana mentioned that if that person from the ALS or organization cannot attend the meeting, he could get someone to replace him so his thoughts are shared too and there is more likeliness in getting Quorum.
Moving onto the next point, which was about the IGF meeting in Hydrabad, Fred asked Pavan to get in touch with Hong about its developments and where we stood with this at the moment.
Next item was the Questionnaire sent out by Fred about the Summit and also another win to improve relationship between RALO’s and the ICANN staff. Out of 14 only 6 have been received for the Summit and only 2 have been received for the win-win situation.
Rajnesh said he wanted more participation and wanted to know the reasons why people did not respond to these questionnaires. Fred said, they could still be sent and comments would still be taken into consideration.
Moving onto the next point, Fred told everyone that he had received response from the APRALO secretariat that 7 out of 14 of ALS had responded and there was no negative feedback on this issue and Nick was going to transfer this request to ICANN and the approval for CDNUA would be done soon.
Raj asked Pavan to reflect the change in the APRALO website so that CDNUA can know their approval is imminent.
Next item had to be transferred to next time’s APRALO meeting because discussions regarding the Budget between Fred and Cheryl had not begun yet.
Moving onto the next item, Raj told Pavan to put into the action items one week before the start of the next APRALO meeting, the final candidates for Vice-Chair post. Then people during the conference would know who the Vice-Chair candidates were and then the voting would be done right after the end of the meeting.
If there were any comments about this procedure, they could be made on the APRALO website or simply by sending an email out to Fred.
Last item was the call out problems some people were having when dialing into the meetings. Karaitiana said he had the problem many times and he worried that this might be the reason why some people did not join the conference call.
Rajnesh also mentioned that with the previous provider there were never these kind of problems so he suggested talking to the provider and see what the problem was and Fred said he was on it.
Raj asked if there were any other issues and Karaitiana mentioned about the meeting at Christchurch. Karaitiana said he was going to use the presentation done by Bilal as a base and add some more pointers.
The meeting ended at 0604 UTC.