Meeting Summary 25 July 2007
*Attendance: *
APRALO ExCo (Bilal; CLO; Raj; Edmon ICANN Nick (via Teleconf)
John Fung (Director Information Technology Resource Centre, Hong Kong Council of Social Services T. +852 28642971)
Tommy Matsumoto (President & CEO T&Y Matsumoto Corporation M. +090 32291694)
Charles Mok (Chairman ISOC Hong Kong M. +852 9195 5156)
Dr. Sir, Jae- Chul (ED Korea Network Information Centre NIDA T. +82 2 2186 4552)
Christopher To (Chairman Hong Kong Internet Forum); Gary Soo (Vice Chairman Hong Kong Internet Forum)
Ching Chiao, (from .asia VP Community Relations M. +886.935.770.341)
Bashar A. Al-Abdulahadi (CEO KuwaitNET M. +965 7607060)
Apologies: Hong Xue, Izumi Aizu & Nirmol Agarwal
Minutes taken by: C Langdon-Orr
*Welcome and Opening Statements: *
Raj introduced the concept for this meeting having the main focus of Work Plan development:
We FINALLY got the teleconference working by 1000!!!
Interview with the Board Liaison issue we need to set a new date Nick will action this: CLO outlined the lack of equity and access to candidates for the Board Liaison issue and the possible major faults in this process…
Also Available at:
Note: it was agreed at the meeting that- “All APRALO WG’s have the Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretariat as Ex Officio members.”
1. APRALO meetings
-Physical how often, where?
~Once a year with APRICOT (regional) and once with AP ICANN meeting (more likely to be biannual on some cycles) Regional General assembly is an option for this meeting...
Possible issue with next year’s cycle and being in Synch with IGF Meetings is another option. (some issues did exists with / after the ATHENS meeting where ALS’s who were funded from there did but then did not come through with the deliverables) apTLD meeting will be held during the IGF Meeting 2008, and APRALO and apTLD could consider joint and collaborative venture / projects / meetings could be considered... Regional Benefit is clear and there ccTLD focus is, different between just gTLD interest of At Large within ICANN and our interests in ccTLD Activities... A greater connection to ccTLD activities in NON OECD Countries can also be given a positive spin; here...
It was resolved that “Greater cooperation with the APTLD and APRALO should be fostered” and two RALO representatives were identified to work on this, Christopher To and Edmond Chung, formed into this WG with Raj to co-ordinate...
-Teleconference how often, when
~Monthly, Standing meeting for APRALO meeting 2 weeks before the ALAC Meeting and then after.... 2nd Tue is the next ALAC... 14th August... APRALO should be 4th Tue of the month at a time to meet at 0600 UTC / 1400 Hong Kong & Sydney / 1800 Wellington, the next (first) meeting will be 28th August, 2007.
2. Outreach efforts
- recruitment of ALS' i.e. how, target number
~Under Vetting ~CLO / Nick reviewed the New Criteria and Processing Documents
~ can ccTLDs give us a guideline and contacts for possible outreach program (a balance of both Geographic and numerical values need to be out aim, but the main focus is for activity and participation is the primary benchmark for us to aim out with geographical spread as a key point) 4 new ALS’s in non currently represented, and a local regional “mentoring program” can be a good idea.
It was resolved to create a working group associated with APNIC’s regional APNG Camps held with APRICOT and apTLD meetings (see Tommy for url link to these activities he is Chair of this group supporting developing counties apNIC always sponsor these) and the ICANN Fellowship scheme is another outlet for) and a joint Working can be formed with APRALO making Agenda presentations in both of these forums as a future plan)
~engagement in Internet community activities
WG on Outreach (Tommy & CLO )
Progress and further information details available so far...
Information to date email from Tommy 010807
<snip> I introduced APNG Camp activity and ask the possibility of ICCAN Support.
If you can consider and share APNG proposal of the APNG Camp fellowship sponsorship, we are very appreciated.
I put Sumith who is the Chair of the 9th APNG Camp from Sri Lanka and Kung who is APNG Secretariat from AIT, Thailand and ask them to send APNG camp detail and Sponsorship proposal to you. So Please consider the possibility of ICANN being sponsor to APNG.
Also, we arrange a presentation slot for you to make your presentation of ICANN and APRALO at the Camp, please consider and use this opportunity to share your valuable experiences with Camp participants.
Your understanding and support for APNG Camp will be very valuable.
Best Regards and looking forward to hearing from you soon, Tommy Matsumoto <end snip>
And follow up from Sumith email of same date 010807
<snip> We have already made the arrangements for ICAAN presentation. We will send you update on this within this week.
At the same time, Kung will send you document related to sponsorship.
Best regards,
3. Budget
Outline of our requirements so $$$ can be worked out
It was resolved to create a working group to identify projects which should be engaged in by APRALO which could be proposed to be included in the next ICANN FY budget.
WG for Projects & Budget Funding on a 3-5 year forecast for end of this year to fit with ALAC (John Fung, Nirmrol Agarwal & ask NZ for a Representative (perhaps David Farrar) and others requested from the list are to form this WG)
Nick did a review of how a bottom up process for project Funding and how, the ALAC is to be a creature of the RALO’s and ALS’s...
Review of ALAC WG outcomes and suggestions from San Juan... (Via Nick and CLO to follow up) based on Doug Brent’s presentation at San Juan; use
4. APRALO Contributions to Issues Working Groups
I. Role of APRALO vs. ALS'
a. Numbers Vs. Measurable input into ICANN Processes with Quality of input superseding Quantity in any metric used... To encourage participation we must try and get ALS’s involved in WG It is not uncommon for only one or two ALS Members to be interested or involved in ICANN processes... The lack of simple language terminology is an issue hear and as part of outreach a baseline education process on issues is often required... The RALO’s can have a role in the production of these tools... Including the use of local language... with Synopsis documents being produced in local documents... ICANN has ownership of this but the RALO’s and APRALO is willing to assist... in this Liaison being mainly APRALO ExCo & Nick
II. Working group structure
~ See Above inserts... Note the following key points:-
a. At least two members with/and a lead facilitator is required.
b. ALS and individual participation is encouraged.
c. put to the list the call for input into key WG areas in APRALO and in ALAC lists.
d. All APRALO WG’s have the Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretariat as Ex Officio members.
III. Mechanism of consolidating / summarizing input
a. ~ Monthly Teleconference with follow up on list...
b. ~Secretariat and ALAC Reps...
c. ~Call for assignment of working groups on issues
IV. Development of statements
a. ~ Multi layer approach is OK with ALAC vs. APRALO vs. ALS input into Public Processes…
(CLO to get .au’s info to Alan for GNSO input on page 30…)
~Mechanism of presenting statements, etc. Merge with Prior
V. Identification of issues and selecting a lead ALS per working group
a. ~ Within the RALO WG need to set a lead liaison...
b. ~within ALAC WG an APRALO person needs to act as conduit between ALAC lists and the APRALO processes...
c. ~ALS’s need to be encouraged to promote in their own outreach within the ALS’s (and this work is part of the expectations of the Regional (new) Secretariats. Policy Development needs to be owned more widely by ALS’s and the outreach of this secretariat’s role working with the ExCo of the APRALO... liaising closely with our elected secretariat and supported with some ICANN Admin staff support at this stage...
d. ~ put to the list the call for input into key WG areas in APRALO and in ALAC lists
5. APRALO Website - Updates required and we extend the information on the new At-Large (ALAC & APRALO Website(s) will change based on this) IF we put the new criteria and ask for comments on structure etc., from the APRALO ALS’s and make some basic changes that can be done within the WIKI; and we can also invite these commenter’s to review the BETTA site to be released soon ( along with the Membership data Base; and Members of ALS’s can be listed as individuals within the At Large Data Base... And announcements on ALS activities can be sent to ALAC/RALO sites... Newsletters going this DB list so individuals will be getting the re-birthed ALAC Newsletter.
6. ALAC representatives Input and Reporting Regime
I. ALAC liaison report
At next Teleconference in August UTC 0600, next 28th August, 2007.
7. APRALO Workplan
~See Calender of Events on the ICANN site which is a Google Calender with the APRALO.
The APRALO ExCo being invited as Editors to this document...
~ See insert developed from previous notes... and insert here...
8. Summary of above deliberations as the basis of a definitive Workplan
~ Conducted online within the APRALO list...