Hong Xue - Statement of Interest

Hong Xue - Statement of Interest

I gratefully accept Karaitiana's nomination for the following reasons:

a) I have been working very closely with the ALAC, APRALO and At-Large Community. I gave several briefings on the NomCom process at both ALAC and APRALO meetings to keep the community updated. I diligently recruited the cadidates from the at-large community.

b) My works at the NomCom are highly regarded by the NomCom Chair and the all the colleagues.

I have in my first term:

  • actively engaged in affirmative outreach and recruitment of excellent candidates
  • read the submitted and gathered information about each candidate under consideration
  • participated in all the Nom Com teleconferences
  • worked diligently with Nom Com colleagues toward an overall consensus on the best possible group of candidates to be selected
  • adhered to the Code of Ethics - each Member undertakes a written obligation to this effect. The code of ethics may be found at http://nomcom.icann.org/ethics-2009.html.
  • attended all the face-to-face meetings.
  • had extensive personal networks of contacts from outside, and within ICANN, that will support effective recruiting.Furthermore it will be valuable for such delegates to also be prepared to develop cross-constituency understanding to build consensus.

And, c) I fulfill all the requirements from the bylaws, namely:

  • Accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence, with reputations for sound judgment and open minds, and with experience and competence with collegial large group decision-making
  • Persons with wide contacts, broad experience in the Internet community, and a commitment to the success of ICANN;
  • Persons whom the selecting body is confident will consult widely and accept input in carrying out their responsibilities;
  • Persons who are neutral and objective, without any fixed personal commitments to particular individuals, organizations, or commercial objectives in carrying out their Nominating Committee responsibilities;
  • Persons with an understanding of ICANN's mission and the potential impact of ICANN's activities on the broader Internet community who are willing to serve as volunteers, without compensation other than the reimbursement of certain expenses; and
  • Persons who are able to work and communicate in written and spoken English.

11 August 2009