Meetings Archive

Meetings Archive

May 2006 Conference Call: Representatives of groups promoting individual Internet users' interests in the Asia/Australia/Pacific region met via conference call to finalize the proposed APRALO Bylaws. An audio recording of the call is available.

March 2006 Wellington: Representatives of groups promoting individual Internet users' interests in the Asia/Australia/Pacific region met at the ICANN Meeting in Wellington, New Zealand to discuss proposed APRALO Bylaws and MOU.

November 2005 Vancouver: Representatives of groups promoting individual Internet users' interests in the Asia/Australia/Pacific region will meet in Vancouver, Canada (in conjunction with the ICANN meeting) to organize an Asia/Australia/Pacific Regional At-large Organization ("APRALO") – Friday, 2 December 2005, 08:30-10:30, Mackenzie Room, Westin Bayshore Hotel.

August 2005 Taiwan: Individuals involved in Internet user issues in the Asia/Australia/Pacific (AP) region particiated in an At-Large meeting on 24 August 2005 in Taipei, Taiwan to work on plans to create an Asia-Pacific Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO). The APRALO will enable groups in this region to work together to advance Internet users' needs.

July 2005 Luxembourg: Representatives of groups promoting individual Internet users' interests in the Asia/Australia/Pacific region met in Lulxembourg on 14 July 2005 (in conjunction with the ICANN meeting to organize an Asia/Australia/Pacific Regional At-large Organization ("APRALO").

February 2005 Japan: Individuals concerned with individual Internet users' interests met in Kyoto, Japan, 20 - 23 February 2005 (in conjunction with APRICOT) for At-Large (Internet user community) discussions:

  • AP* Retreat meeting on 20 February 2005 at the Kyoto International Conference Hall (KICH) in Kyoto, Japan; and
  • 6th APNG Camp (Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp) meeting on 23 February 2005 at the Hotel Oaks KyotoShijo, Kyoto, Japan