November 2005
At-Large Asia Pacific Meeting
24 August 2005, Taipei, Taiwan
Meeting Notes
Prepared by Sophie Liang (NIIEPA)
Date: 24 AUG 2005 ( Taipei time, UTC/GMT +8 hours)
Time: 9:00am-12:30pm
Venue: Room CR402, Howard Plaza Hotel (160, Jen Ai Road, Section 3, Taipei, Taiwan)
Chair: Izumi Aizu
Izumi Aizu ALAC (Japan)
Tommy Matsumoto ALAC (Japan)
Anna Yoon NIDA (Korea)
Stafford Guest Internet Users Society (Niue)
Edmon Chung Afilias (Hong Kong)
Ching Chiao ISOC-TW (Taiwan)
Kou-Wei Wu NIIEPA (Taiwan)
Emily Chuang NIIEPA (Taiwan)
Sophie Liang NIIEPA (Taiwan)
Online participants:
Denise Michel ICANN
Xue Hong ALAC (China)
Howard Li At-Large China
Jonathan Shea Hong Kong IRC
- Izumi Aizu was elected as the meeting chair.
- Adoption on the meeting agenda with minor change of the discussion item order.
o Agenda
o Bylaws
o Business Plan
o Outreach Program
o Next Meeting
o Others - Business plan (by Kuo-Wei Wu) :
o Tommy Matsumoto indicated that he will promote ALS in APNG Camp as some of its delegates are not in our member list.
o Edmon Chung raised the concern about how the establishment of APRALO might affect RALO for mulation in other regions, such as if all the other RALO will be therefore formed forcibly. Denise Michel indicated that there is no “forced formation;” creating a RALO is voluntary and each region’s organizing efforts are independent.
o Xue Hong joined the conference call and requested the clarifications on the status of business plan as well as worldwide ALS meeting proposals. The Chair and Kuo-Wei Wu gave feedbacks indicating those are proposals for reviewing in the meeting.
o The AP RALO goal statements (page4 of the presentation) were re-structured in the priority order as:
+ Promote ALS/RALO/ALAC/ICANN in AP Region
+ Elect Representatives for ALAC members for AP Region
+ Build consensus among ICANN related Issues among ALS members
+ Participate the policy development of ICANN thru ALAC process
+ Share Experiences among ALS members
o The structure of AP RALO :
+ Steering Committee:
each ALS will elect one representative to form the Steering Committee
+ Start-up Task Force (originally named Business/Program Committee, also include “funding” function in this task force):
Kuo-Wei Wu, Izumi Aizu, Jonathan Shea
+ Outreach Task Force (originally named Outreach Committee):
Tommy Matsumoto, Xue Hong, Ching Chaio, Franck Martin
+ Drafting Group (originally named Funding Committee):
Stafford Guest, Xue Hong, David Farrar
o The chair suggested that each ALS will elect one representative to form the Steering Committee and the Steering Committee will make temporary decisions for AP RALO. The suggestion was agreed in the meeting.
o Edmon indicated his concerns not to exclude anyone in AP Region to allow potential ALS (non-members) in the process but not necessarily the decision approval process.
o Activities: it was determined that two Face-to-Face meetings per year would be held. The next APRALO meeting shall be in Vancouver by end of November, 2005 and the Bylaw would be announced by then. The 2nd APRALO meeting will be held aside with APAN meeting in Singapore by July 2006.
o It was also agreed in the meetings that AP RALO would have services of newsletters, website and mailing list, and the details of each item shall be determined later. - Discussion on the Bylaw draft (Stafford Guest) :
o The discussion was based on Stafford Guest’s original draft and Xue Hong’s comments prior to the meeting. (See Xue Hong’s comments to the draft in Appendix.)
o Article I: The Chair conveyed Xue Hong’s suggestion on the change of the term “Bylaw” into “Charter” and requested for comments.
+ Few people gave comments that the term of “Bylaw” is more like rules or regulations, and it is not necessarily to be a legal person to have a bylaw. The term of “Charter” is more like mission statement, and it might not be able to reveal the nature of this bylaw document contexts.
+ Will follow up with Xue Hong to clarify her concerns.
o Article I: it was agreed that the definition of “Asia Pacific” in the Bylaw align with ICANN definition shall be put in the footnote of the Bylaw.
o Article III: Officers
+ It was agreed that the tenure of the officers to be 2 years.
+ The definition of the “council” mentioned in Article III shall be added in the section of Article I.
+ It was agreed that the issue of officer rotation would not be included in the bylaw now and will be discussed later
o Article IV - Duties of Officers
+ Regarding the role of a vice chair, the Chair suggested to added some leadership functions to the vice chair. The opposite comments were raised among meeting participants. Finally, a more flexible way of describing vice chair duties shall be considered when drafting the second version.
+ A reminder of synchronizing the term of “Secretariat” and “Secretary” in the document was made by Edmon Chung.
+ In the duties of the Treasurer, it was agreed that the Annual Financial Report shall be open to the public on the transparency basis, in addition to the submission to the ALAC of ICANN.
o Article V - Temporary Committees: it was suggested to delete the temporary committee paragraph.
o Article VI – General Meetings: it was reminded that the phase of “The Chair shall announce the results of the election of officers for the coming year” shall be modified as appropriate to fit the two year tenure of the officers.
o Article VII - Disbursements and Dues: about the issue of Dues, it was concluded to be determined after the business plan is confirmed.
o Article VIII - Amendment and Voting Procedures: it was suggested that the definition of the quorum shall be set as two third, and proxy concept shall be inserted.
o Article IX - Dissolution of the Organization: it was agreed that the dissolution of the organization shall have a majority vote at a meeting which has been publicized at least 90 days in advance to all members of this organization for the purpose of taking this vote.
o Stafford Guest will provide the second version of Bylaws. - Outreach program (Tommy Matsumoto) :
o Tommy Matsumoto suggested the promotion channels covering APNG, APTLD, APNIC and APRICOT. The comments were accepted by all the meeting participants.
o Kuo-Wei Wu indicated that he would like to extend the ALS promotion activity in the upcoming APNIC OPM meeting, which will be held in Hanoi in early September. The necessary promotion materials shall be provided by Tommy before then.
o The Chair suggested to form a virtual ALS to allow countries without sufficient resources to form their own ALS to join the community. The comments received positive responses from most of the meeting participants. Edmon and Kuo-Wei Wu both offered their volunteer support in setting up this virtual ALS.
o Drafting the outreach program task was left to Tommy Matsumoto, Xue Hong, Ching Chaio and Franck Martin
o It was well received that the strategy of the outreach program will be attracting more ALS members. - Other matters:
o The next conference call will be held in September after APNIC OPM meeting in Hanoi.
o The next face-to-face meeting to be held during ICANN Vancouver meeting this year to announce the establishment of AP RALO (hopefully). - The Chair informed the meeting adjourned.