May 2006
Hong Xue, ALAC, At Large @ China
Izumi Aizu, ALAC, Internet Users Network (Japan)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, ISOC-AU
Charles Shaban, Arab Knowledge Management Society (AKMS)
AbdelWahab Khalil, AKMS
Baher Esmat, ICANN
David Farrar, InternetNZ
Stafford Guest, Internet Users Society - Niue
Siavash Shahshahani, ALAC
Kuo-Wei Wu, National Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association
Jonathan Shea, HKIRC
Rajnesh Singh, PICISOC (part)
Denise Michel, ALAC
Actions: Participants revised the proposed bylaws. They will be emailed shortly for your review, comment, approval. A follow-up conference call was proposed to address the proposed MOU langugae. Details will be forthcoming. An in-person meeting also was suggested, to be held in conjunction with a planned Internet event in Asia-Pacific (eg. APTLD meeting which may be held 20-21 June in Hong Kong). This will be discussed further on the email list.