Meeting Outcomes 28 August 2007

Meeting Outcomes 28 August 2007


We had a relatively good turnout at last week's (August 28th) Teleconference, and I hope those that could not make it are able to join the next one. The monthly teleconference is for our collective benefit and serves as a regular forum to discuss issues of importance.

Meeting notes were taken by ISOC HK and will be posted on the APRALO site in due course (Edmon will advise).
The meeting recording is not yet on the APRALO site (Nick will advise availability).
These will be available at 28 august 2007 (as is the agenda).

I would like to very briefly relay to you the major outcomes of the meeting and welcome your comments on the same.

1. APTLD IDN Fast-track Proposal: Keith Davidson (on behalf of APTLD) summarised the rationale behind their proposal. The general consensus at the teleconference was that APRALO should support the APTLD proposal, based on the fact that the AP region is likely the region with the greatest need for an IDN solution.

As such, the following motion was put forth:

'That APRALO support the "very limited and controlled approach" for an allocation of ccTLD IDN's, as proposed by the APTLD, for a FastTrack allocation of ccTLD IDN's, while ICANN goes through their more extensive Policy Development Process; and to vocally show this support at the ICANN meeting in LA.'
Proposed: Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Seconded: Gary Soo

I welcome comments on this motion. The comment period is 10 days, after which a vote will be setup for APRALO's endorsement of this motion.
The APTLD statement is available at 28 august 2007

Comment Period Start:

9 September 2007


19 September 2300GMT

Voting Period Start:

20 September 2007


25 September 2007 2359GMT

2. APRALO 2008 Physical Meetings: One meeting at ICANN Asia Pacific Meeting. Second meeting proposed during IGF 2008 in Delhi.

APRALO and APTLD are currently in the process of seeking mutual grounds of engagement and collaboration (APRALO has a Working Group to this effect). APTLD (through Don Hollander, General Manager) has indicated to me that they will likely hold a regular meeting during IGF 2008 and suggested it would be an opportune time to stage a joint APRALO/APTLD meeting. This concept met with general approval at the Teleconference.

I welcome comments on this idea of holding an APRALO meeting during IGF 2008 with reference to the fact that APRALO is meant to represent the User community, and IGF Delhi will represent an ideal opportunity for outreach, networking and collaboration. A motion to hold this meeting will be proposed at the September 2007 Teleconference.

3. Working Group Updates

Budget and Projects: John Fung has indicated to me he will have some feedback as per the timeline set (October 2007). Nirmol (ISVK) has joined this WG.
APRALO-APTLD Collaboration: Christopher and Edmon are actively working on this. APTLD Bangkok Meeting: Edmon (ISOC-HK) has indicated he will attend this meeting and represent APRALO during a Panel Discussion. This is in response to APTLD's request. I was also invited to present at the August APTLD Meeting in Honiara on APRALO and its function. I will make my presentation available on the APRALO web site (perhaps in a new section I will create called "Resources")
Outreach: Support for APNG Camp - Cheryl indicated there was some communication breakdown in the proposal to support this year's camp, coupled with time constraints. However it is APRALO's intention to support the APNG initiative and it is hoped that the request and proposal for next year's camp can be addressed in a timely manner.

4. Issues Working Groups: Volunteers are required for several issues under consideration within ALAC. These are:


ALS Summit


Idn-wg Policy Discussion


IPv4 - IPv6 Migration issues Working Group


RAA Working Group


Whois-wg Policy Discussion

Volunteers are required to work with these ALAC WGs to represent APRALO interests. Please indicate your ALS' interest.
If I do not get sufficient feedback, I will put ALS names in a hat and pick for each WG as above.

5. Your comments are also invited on collaborative mechanisms for Working Groups. Some options are:

  • dedicated mailing list per WG
  • IRC/IM type setup (ExCom has started using Skype Chat with some success)
  • Wiki (which already exists)

Rajnesh D. Singh
9th September 2007