Summary Minutes 27 July 2010

Summary Minutes 27 July 2010

Discussion Notes 27 July 2010

Participants: Hong Xue, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Pavan Budhrani, Will Tibben, Charles Mok, Holly Raiche, Vivek Annand, Edmon Chung
Apologies: Rajnesh Singh.
Staff: Matthias Langenegger

Hong: There is no quorum for this call, this will be an informative session

Review of the action items from the last call

Hong: all action items have either been addressed or will be discussed during this call

Currently Open Consultations

CLO: There are several open consultations that seem to be important for us. For example the open consultation on meetings for the next decades, virtual integration, RAA Improvements are quite interesting for the AP ALSes. The online survey on Meetings for the next decade can be found under https://www.bigpulse.com/ 33025/register?l=en

Hong: For the currently open consultation, I hear that there is a draft Statement on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR) Initial Report . Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the ALAC call tonight, but Fouad will cover for me. With regards to VI, I am happy that we have CLO who is an expert in that WG .

CLO: There is also an At-Large community workspace on Accountability and Transparency under https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?at_large_workspace_on_the_accountability_and_transparency_review_team

Hong: Thank you, Cheryl. There is also an ATRT meeting in the region soon to which I participate.

Hong: With regards to the open consultation on the proposed Bylaw changes, should we reach out to our members and ask them whether they would like to endorse the African Statement on this.

AI: Pavan will send out an email to the list to ask them whether they have comments on the following currently open consultations:

  • African Statement on the proposed bylaw changes to add an At-Large director Would APRALO would like to endorse this Statement? Responses should be sent until the 30th of July.
  • Statement on ICANN Travel Policy prepared by Alan Greenberg

CLO: I would be a positive signal if all regions would endorse a joint statement on this. We can also add that all participants to the call today are in support of the African Statement.

Hong: I don't think it is worth raising the issue of the Board liaison in the Statement on the Bylaw modifications as this is a complicated issue and discussing an additional Bylaw modification might further delay this process.

CLO: Is anybody in the region interested to propose for the AP meeting in mid-2011?

Hong: I heard that our colleagues in Hong Kong were interested in this and also my colleagues in Beijing are interested but we work together very closely. So there will most probably be an ICANN meeting in China.

CLO: this is great news and will provide an excellent outreach opportunities for At-Large.

CLO: Alan has put forward a draft resolution on ICANN's travel policy and this will further be discussed during today's ALAC call. It would be interesting to hear the regional view on this?

Action items from the APRALO survey

Pavan: I will have a meeting with Fouad and Matthias this week to discuss the Survey recommendation further.

CLO: I suggest that we carry over agenda items 5, 6 and 7 and have another WG call to discuss this issue further before the next APRALO call.

AI: The APRALO Outreach WG will have a call in mid-August to discuss agenda items 5, 6, and 7 of today’s call and prepare a short presentation summarizing the recommendation during the next APRALO call.

Update on the election of the APRALO Vice Chair

Hong: We have extended the deadline for nominations for the Interim Vice Chair position and urge you to put forward suitable candidates.

Edmon Chung nominated Charles Mok for the APRALO Vice Chair position

CLO also suggested Siranush Vardanyan from Armenia as a nominee for the NomCom Delegate position.

AI: An email will be sent to the APRALO list to announce the nomination of Charles Mok for the APRALO Vice Chair position and Siranush Vardanyan to the NomCom Delegate position.

Hong: At our next call, we need to start discussing our upcoming GA at the ICANN Meeting in Asia 2011.

AI: an agenda item for the next APRALO call to discuss the upcoming APRALO GA in June 2011

CLO: I would like to participate in the Outreach WG meeting, if you could please schedule this meeting at a date that will also work for me. We will also need to discuss how we ensure that the votes of our region is representative of Internet end users. Also, we might also like to discuss in the future whether APRALO would like to include individual members to APRALO.

The meeting was then adjourned.