July 2005

July 2005

At-Large Asia/Australia/Pacific Meeting

Thursday, 14 July
07:30 am - 09:15 am
Novotel Hotel Restaurant
6 rue du Fort Niedergruenewald, Quartier européen Nord,
Plateau de Kirchberg, Luxembourg, Tel (sad)+352)437761)

Working Agenda

  • Welcome, Introductions
  • Asia/Australia/Pacific "At-Large Structure" groups:
    o Your organization's objectives and priorities
    o ICANN issues/activities of interest to your members
    o How can these interests be best supported?
  • Forming an Asia/Australia/Pacific Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO)
    o Process and background (see http://www.alac.icann.org/framework.htm)
    o Key issues for a memorandum of understanding with ICANN to create the APRALO
  • Next steps, Close