APRALO 2012-11-27 Summary Minutes

APRALO 2012-11-27 Summary Minutes


APRALO Monthly Meeting

Roll call - Staff


6. Review of what happened at BAKU

CLO: APRALO should be recognized for the great presence and presentations at the Regional Internet Forum in Baku. APRALO was extremely well represented.

The WS organized by Rinalia was a great success and would like to put it on the record.

I am delighted to report to all that the 2013 Regional IGF is going to be official take place  in S. Korea and then possibly in India.

2013 IGF will also be held in our Region in Bali and we have a multitude of opportunities for our Region.

Maureen: Small Island States.

In Toronto there was some discussion on capacity building

AIs: Reach out to ALS and see what type of event they want

Are there any AIs which need further review?

Review of the PCs

1. Whois report- and RAA we have a combination of the both

2. OCL: I have receive an email from ALAC [inaudible]

3. 2013-2014 Strategic plan: OCL will check. Tijani has drafted the statement and this was adopted.

4. ROP: OCL they are still being worked on. Many people were in Baku, things may be moving forward pretty soon.

 CLO: We need to make sure that APRALO goes to the ALAC meeting.

R3 Paper: OCL possibly there could be a session on this in Beijing.

Holly prepared a report on the APRALO activities for October.


Holly reported the outcomes of the call on the APRALO Beijing Events which occurred 1 hour ago. There is an amount of 7.500 which is earmarked.

We have a Chairmanship regime and we have assigned tasks to the Working Groups. We have sponsorship committee. Hong made a point to engage local communities. Edmon and Maureen for a Showcase.

We will try to show the diversity of the meeting. We will have a short video to showcase the region.

Fellowship: Outreach. Capacity building. Hoping that Sala can get involved on this.

Any input on what else we can do?


Rinalia:  Explore links between the APRALO Beijing Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable with the ICANN Asia Pacific Regional Strategy.


AI: Pavan to collect the speakers who went to Singapore and see who else could be interesting for the Beijing Event.


Holly invited all to check the APRALO-AFRALO Baku event report.


Holly mentioned that a lot of the material that Maureen has done would be interesting to showcase in Beijing.

AI: Maureen: Circulate the material showing the diversity in Beijing.


CLO: We need to find real talent from APRALO to bring to any and all leadership positions.

AI: Agenda item for the next meeting is to be finding real talent for APRALO leadership issues.


AOB: None.