APRALO Beijing Events Organizing Committee 2012.11.27 Summary Minutes

APRALO Beijing Events Organizing Committee 2012.11.27 Summary Minutes


APRALO Beijing Events Organizing Committee Meeting

Tuesday 27 November 2012 at 0400 UTC


Summary Notes and Action Items


Co-chairs: Rinalia, Holly, Hong/Jack, YJ



Sponsorship Committee - CLO, Rinalia, Edmon, Jack

Multi-stakeholder Sub-Committee - Rinalia

Promotional Sub-Committee -

Showcase /Reception Sub-Committee -  Edmon, Maureen.

Capacity building Sub-Commiteee -



Sponsorship will cover some of promotional materials.

It is critical to start to think about that.

Two critical thngs: Showcase: What this is going to be?




There are several "models" of Showcase.

Holly mentioned that someone from the West of APARALO would be ok.

Rinalia: Every subregion of APRALO could be featured in one video.


General Assembly

Holly looked at what NARALO did and there is a lot of material, Holly can volunteer for this.



Aim is to have ALSEs join the existing Fellowship/Newcomers meetings




Youth Forum - possible activity to be planned.


AI: A doodle to be sent out: Friday 7th to week of 10th]