April 2010 SSAC Report
The SSAC discussed a staff proposal for a security advisory regarding reserved domain TLDs, In addition to those already reserved by RFCs.
The input is based on invalid queries reaching the root servers. TLDs like .localdomain, .lan,.local and .belkin seem to leak to the global Internet. The question was if these were a stability risk if they were going to be allocated as TLDs. In addition, the DAG lists another set of reserved TLDs mostly linked to ICANN and IETF acronyms (gnso, alac, ietf,iab, etc). The latter seem to be chosen on a ad hoc basis and no study demonstrates why they should be prohibited at all.
The consensus of the SSAC is that none of the above constitute a stability or security risk for the global DNS if these strings were allocated through the new gTLD process. Further, the SSAC disagrees that the ICANN and IETF acronyms should be reserved on the basis of security or stability issues. There may well be intellectual property issues, but it is misleading to invoke technical ones. There will be mechanisms foreseen by the DAG to challenge strings based on IP issues, and ICANN should follow the same process as would any other entity.
The SSAC will ask ICANN to remove .ssac form the list of prohibited TLD strings.
The SSAC also discussed the "Inventory of WHOIS service requirements" Initial report to the GNSO council, and thinks this is a good document.