Zoom chat: 2020-11-30 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
09:45:55 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
10:00:33 From Gopal Tadepalli : Greetings. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
10:01:43 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : Hi all,
10:02:17 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All.
10:04:17 From Esther Patricia Akello : Hello everyone
10:05:13 From Sarah Kiden : Hello all
10:05:37 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Esther Patricia Akello
10:05:41 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Alan
10:05:44 From Esther Patricia Akello : thank you
10:06:20 From Heidi Ullrich : @Roberto, staff are happy to create an historical table of the Action Items.
10:07:11 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Matthias
10:07:33 From Matthias : hello Claudia and all : )
10:07:51 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Seun and Judith
10:08:57 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Natalia
10:09:24 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : hello everyone and thank you Claudia!
10:09:36 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : my apologies, I am late
10:14:31 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : @Alan the term was Leadership NOT Representative
10:15:43 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : so I assume if you serve say on the Board of an ALS but are not the *formal* representatives of an ALS within ICANN was the issue raised
10:17:46 From Laura Margolis : Alan I agree with you about the regions and ICANN Bylaws
10:17:49 From Judith Hellerstein : i cannot hear him
10:17:54 From Maureen Hilyard : Cannot hear Gopal very well
10:18:08 From Laura Margolis : Please speak louder Gopal
10:18:11 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : After all what we want to encourage the engagement of more individuals regardless of Member status nomenclature
10:18:12 From Judith Hellerstein : I turned up my volume and not I can hear
10:18:38 From Bill Jouris : If someone is a member of multiple ALSs, does he*choose* which one ICANN regards him as being part of?
10:19:28 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : Maybe they like to join as observers
10:19:49 From Laura Margolis : That would be an option yes
10:20:27 From Maureen Hilyard : We allow that already and could be formalised - with no voting right
10:20:41 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : No @Bill but they are under the limitations of the Bylaws re domicile etc., limited
10:23:07 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : Same as some French Island in the Pacific
10:24:01 From Seun Ojedeji : @Nadira it may be good to clarify what an observer means in practice. Is that a read only user on the mailing list? because i think current observers can post and if that is the case, it doesn't seem to describe an actual observer role
10:24:50 From Jonathan Zuck : Ok. Thanks for the explanation. Yes
10:25:14 From Seun Ojedeji : and if participation is what we are encouraging, i am not sure how observer will help push that forward
10:25:17 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : Yes, Seun, this need to be clarified because from what I heard from Robero that the observes in EURALO do participate in the discussions.
10:26:07 From Judith Hellerstein : Or Accessibility SIG which would like to join APRALO
10:26:41 From Judith Hellerstein : As our President and VP are from Asia PAC
10:27:04 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : @Seun to read messages and participate in discussions, in Euralo this happens because some regions of the Caucasus can consider closely the topics discussed in the territories defined by ICANN as Europe. But we are open for all
10:28:07 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez : +1 to Alan points
10:28:11 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : +1 Nadira We need to define this clearly for the future of the entire community, to open all the doors to all the RALOs
10:30:14 From Gopal Tadepalli : The Principle of Localization is essential. RALO is the structure that is binding to the geographical location. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
10:32:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : So are you polling those terms over the next week of discussing them @Roberto?
10:33:29 From Gopal Tadepalli : The present status on terminology: An individual Internet user may join the At-Large community independently without being a member of an At-Large Structure (ALS). They are called individual members (or unaffiliated members), and the terms and conditions can differ from Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) to RALO. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
10:33:37 From Seun Ojedeji : @Filina, noted sounds more than an "observer" to me then. perhaps a different term can be given to it but it may become an optional category that does not need to be global.
10:34:47 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : @Seun I'm sure it requires a detailed description, yes
10:36:09 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : SOI's are essential IMO if any person regardless of Member Status wishes to engage in Policy Work in ICANN
10:36:29 From David Mackey : +1 CLO
10:37:06 From Jonathan Zuck : Agree CLO
10:37:08 From Sarah Kiden : +1 CLO
10:37:51 From Roberto : @CLO - yes, will launch a poll on these three items
10:38:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Observers
10:39:04 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : correct in PDO they do not need to lodge an SOI
10:39:09 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : PDP
10:40:03 From David Mackey : I agree. I believe SOI are required for all individual members.
10:40:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Well I guess if they do not lodge an SOI they will be 'limited' to the degree they can then engage in Policy worke withouth lodging one
10:40:39 From Bill Jouris : Basically, if you just want to listen (be an observer) you don't need an SOI. But if you want to talk (not vote, talk) you do need an SOI. Just so we know what your interest is
10:41:17 From David Mackey : +1 Alan
10:41:30 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : And I thon it is GOOD Practice to require SOI's
10:41:40 From Jonathan Zuck : Agree
10:41:42 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : agree
10:41:52 From Laura Margolis : agree with SOI too
10:42:25 From Carlos Raul Gutierrez : agree with SOI
10:42:43 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : SOI on approval of Membership works IMO
10:43:27 From David Mackey : yes
10:43:30 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : YES
10:43:34 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : yes
10:45:34 From Claudia Ruiz : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99731985/Outline+of+the+report#
10:45:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : you can sing @JZ
10:46:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Fair point @ED
10:47:41 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : assuming that some form of criteria for or measure of minimum requirements is going to be established of course
10:48:29 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and re áccreditation' it can of course be that one is an *Active* Member or an Observer if not meeting active criteria
10:48:35 From Gopal Tadepalli : The new pages being created may have to be nested with the "Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party" on the confluence. Now they are direct pages. Please look into. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
10:49:49 From Heidi Ullrich : @Gopal, the pages are all child pages of the UIM WP pages. You can see this at the top of the page.
10:49:52 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : You mean Individual Member not ALS @Gopal
Gopal T V: 01 Dec 2020: As a matter of fact both Individual Member and ALS. For this meeting "Individual Member"
10:52:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : because it can go from one extreme to the other believe me
10:56:36 From Heidi Ullrich : Proposed timeline: Roberto Gaetano to have a draft report ready before the holiday break with rough consensus agreed. January to focus on wordsmithing. The aim is to finalize the report by end of January 2021. The ALAC to then review the report and vote on it by ICANN70.
10:57:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : that was a months worth of time lost I suspect #Roberto *through no fault of your planning of course!*
10:57:59 From Heidi Ullrich : Action times are at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99732005/Action+items+2020-11-30+Unaffiliated+Individuals+Mobilization+Working+Party+Call
10:58:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : bye for now then...
10:58:13 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : thank you Roberto and all!
10:58:14 From Judith Hellerstein : Great see everyone next timw
10:58:15 From alberto soto : Thanks, bye!!
10:58:15 From David Mackey : Thanks Roberto and all
10:58:16 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks. All.
10:58:19 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you
10:58:21 From Laura Margolis : bye!
10:58:33 From Hanan Khatib : فشكرا