Alternate teleconference time
Dear all,
I am trying to figure out what alternate time will work for our meetings.
To do this, I thought of launching a Doodle poll and ask you to specify what hours will be possible, impossible, or possible only if needed. Please use this link: []
The time I am considering are from 00:00 UTC Mondays to 12:00 UTC Tuesdays. The reason for including a.m. Tuesdays is that in some parts of the world a.m. Mondays is in reality a Sunday. This is just to give more options.
I would like to close the poll by 23:59 UTC Friday. I am aware that my initial plan of holding our meeting in the alternate time Monday 26 will not work, because the ICANN meeting last week and this week is keeping ICANN Staff very busy, and we need to discuss with staff the options because we must take into account the availability of staff, interpreters, concurrent meetings, etc.