2021-02-22 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call

2021-02-22 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call

Date: Monday, 22 February 2021

Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)

English Conference ID = 1638

Spanish Conference ID = 1738

French Conference ID = 1838

Zoom Room : https://icann.zoom.us/j/97490050927?pwd=Q3dldW5ZVTloNTUwUDB5T0FYVldxQT09

Password: UIM-WP0123

Action Items: EN       

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Zoom Chat: EN    

Transcription: EN, ES, FR

Zoom Recording: EN


EN:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Justine Chew, Abdulkarim Oloyede, Alan Greenberg, Bill Jouris, David Mackey, Joanna Kulesza, Judith Hellerstein, Laura Margolis, Matthias Hudobnik, Maureen Hilyard, Nadira Al-Araj, Sarah Kiden, Sebastien Bachollet, Yrjo Lansipuro



ES Interpreters: David & Lilian 

FR Interpreters: Jacques & Camila

Apologies: Eduardo Diaz, Natalia Filina, 

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Claudia Ruiz, Michelle DeSmyter

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter


  1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 minutes)

  2. Review of the Agenda - Roberto (2 minutes)

  3. Review of the Action Items from the Call of 1 February - Roberto/All (10 minutes)

  4. Review of the Draft UIM-WP Report:  application procedure, notes and appendices - Roberto/All (40 minutes)

    1. See:  Draft UIM-WP Report
  5. Next Steps - Roberto (5 minutes)

  6. AOB - Roberto (1 minute)