2020-10-05 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
2020-10-05 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
Date: Monday, 05 October 2020
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
English Conference ID = 1638
Zoom Room : https://icann.zoom.us/j/96348839922?pwd=Vm5xZ1E4dkZUenp6RFFzdTVCZTlNQT09
Password: UIM-WP0123
Action Items: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Transcription: EN
EN: Roberto Gaetano, Gopal Tadepali, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Nadira Al Araj, AK Oloyede, Alan Greenberg, Bill Jouris,Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Hanan Khatib, David Mackey, Esther Patricia Akello, Gopal Tadepalli, Jonathan Zuck, Judith Hellerstein, Laura Margolis, Matthias Hudobnik, Maureen Hilyard, Sarah Kiden, Caleb Ogundele, Seun Ojedeji, Natalia Filina
Apologies: Justine Chew
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Alperen Eken, Silvia Vivanco, Michelle DeSmyter
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (3 minutes)
Review of the Agenda - Roberto (2 minutes)
Review of the Action Items from the call of 23 September - Roberto (5 minutes)
Discussion on Overarching Question whether Unaffiliated Individuals should not be allowed to be Members of an ALS (15 minutes)
- If the majority is in favour for this restriction, there is no point in continuing discussions and try to figure out how to weaken this restriction.
- If the majority believe that some relaxation can be envisaged, we will continue the discussion whether different guidelines can be recommended (However, a final vote of the ALAC would need to be taken, provided that the ALAC and ICANN bylaws allow for these guidelines.)
Purposes of Unaffiliated Members - A continuation from the previous call - Roberto/All (25 minutes)
Next Call - Roberto (5 minutes)
AOB - Roberto (5 minutes)