2020-10-12 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
2020-10-12 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
Date: Monday, 12 October 2020
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
***Please note this call will be on Zoom ONLY***
Zoom Room : https://icann.zoom.us/j/96348839922?pwd=Vm5xZ1E4dkZUenp6RFFzdTVCZTlNQT09
Password: UIM-WP0123
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Transcription: EN
EN: Roberto Gaetano, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Gopal Tadepalli, Alan Greenberg, Bill Jouris, David Mackey, Hanan Khatib, Jothan Frakes, Judith Hellerstein, Nadira Al Araj, Sarah Kiden, Seun Ojedeji, Alejandro Pisanty, Abdulkarim Oloyede, Patricia Akello, Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Greg Shatan, Tracy Hackshaw,
Apologies: Justine Chew
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Alperen Eken, Claudia Ruiz
Call Management: Claudia Ruiz
Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 minutes)
Review of the Agenda - Roberto (2 minutes)
Under which conditions can we allow an individual member of a RALO to be also a member of an accredited ALS in that RALO? - Roberto (10 minutes)
An individual must not be the official representative of an ALS
An individual must not be in the leadership team of an ALS
They must not participate into the voting of the RALO LT elections
They must follow the RoP of their RALO
What would be the harm in allowing an individual member of a RALO to be also a member of an accredited ALS in that RALO? - Roberto (10 minutes)
A person could have a vote as individual and a vote as member of an ALS
This would add complexity in the structure of a RALO
Raises a question on the need for accredited ALSes at all
What would be the benefit in allowing an individual member of an accredited ALS to be a member in that RALO? - Roberto (10 minutes)
They don’t have to wait for the communications to be forwarded to them by the ALS representative once they became a member
It gives indication how successful the ALS in reaching with at-large emails to its members
It allows active ALS individuals to get engaged into at-large work if there is leadership politics within the ALS
Productivity tools - Roberto (10 minutes)
Wiki (Confluence) - here we can create a table of issues and each issue will have a child page that you and staff draft and people comment as mentioned in the last meeting;
Google Documents - as suggested by Alan's way - wiki can be managed well, also people are natives of the website, they know how to navigate;
Other proposals - outside ICANN’s set of supported tools (Note that staff won't be allowed to support)
Voting rights - Roberto (10 minutes)
Current situation
One cumulative vote for all individuals
No vote at all
A limited number of votes, depending on the balance between ALS and UI
RALOs should have flexibility
Legal implications
Next call - Roberto (3 minutes)
Skipping 19 October due to (ICANN69)
Poll for alternate time
Resume calls from 26 October on
AOB - (1 minute)