**CANCELLED** 2023-05-09 CPWG Sub-Pro Prioritization Sub-Team Call

**CANCELLED** 2023-05-09 CPWG Sub-Pro Prioritization Sub-Team Call


Date: Tuesday, 09 May 2023

Time: 23:00 UTC for 90 minutes (for the time in various time zones, click here)  

How can I participate in this meeting?

****ZOOM ONLY****

Zoom Room:  https://icann.zoom.us/j/92001165459?pwd=N21BRGRxc0lwRGJTaXpLdWpQWjFFQT09 Passcode: CPWGSBPR1*


Apologies: Steinar Grotterod, 

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Susie Johnson, Chantelle Doerksen 

Call Management: Susie Johnson, Chantelle Doerksen

Action Items: EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Audio Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN 


  1. Call introduction - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Welcome and introduction - Jonathan Zuck, Justine Chew, & Cheryl Langdon-Orr (5 mins)

    1. Review AIs

  3. GNSO Council decision on 38 pending recommendations - Justine Chew & Jonathan Zuck (15 mins)

  4. SubPro IRT Meeting #1 (16 May 2023) - Justine Chew & Cheryl Langdon-Orr (15 mins) 

  5. At-Large draft prioritization of 38 pending recommendations - Justine Chew & Jonathan Zuck (40 mins, if needed)

  6. Homework & Next Steps - Jonathan Zuck (10 mins)

    1. Prioritization Matrix - Review recommendations related to metrics and studies 

  7. Next call - Cheryl Langdon-Orr & Justine Chew (3 mins)

    1. Tuesday, 16 May, 23:00-00:30 UTC