Adobe Connect Chat 2014-03-06
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the Community Call on At-Large Board Director Candidates 2014 on Thursday 6 March 2014 at 2100 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Hi, G. I can't activate audio. It gives only dial in option.
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Rinalia - please try agian
ebw:having submitted written questions i don't see a need to use valuable time reading a question to a candidate. staff, is it required that i use an audio resource?
Evan Leibovitch:Eric, I have prepared written answers to all you questions. When the questions show up on the wiki page, I will post those answers.
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Eric - your questions will be answered on the wiki page.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello, I'm glad to join you on this call.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Eric, have you seen my latest email, where I said I would reply to your questions once they would be posted on the Questions and Answers Workspace?
ebw:oui, j'ai vue ta note. merci.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Eric, good. Thanks.
sergio salinas porto:hi everyone!
Evan Leibovitch:Hi Sergio!
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hi Sergio!
Alan Greenberg:Hello all.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello Alan!
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!
Jordi Iparraguirre:Hi eveyone!
Siranush Vardanyan:hello all
Oksana Prykhodko:Hi everybody!
Ali AlMeshal:hello all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:;-)
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
Siranush Vardanyan:Just to let you know that I will be participating in this call via adobe space
Rudi Vansnick:just joined and on adobe connect
Glenn McKnight:joined by Adobe
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi Sira
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Cheryl
Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:Hello Everybody! Greatings from Brazil
Adrian Carballo 3:Hola a Tdos!
Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hola
Alberto Soto:Hola a todos!
Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:lol Cheryl
Alan Greenberg:All good to know!
ebw:*2 to record. a feature!
Alberto Soto:por favor, podrían llamarme al 54 11 5368 1318, canal español?
Yuliya Morenets:Good evening/morning, I'll participate via Adobe
Gisella Gruber-White:Can everyone hear Olivier?
Glenn McKnight:yes
Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:not too much
Yuliya Morenets:Not very clear
Beran Gillen:Good evening everyone
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier, your sound is still faint.
Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:now, not at all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:;-)
Alberto Soto:@Gisella, can you call me at 54 11 5368 1318 ? Thanks!
Gisella Gruber-White:@ ALberto - yes
Rudi Vansnick:as asked by Tijani i will do the timekeeping ...
Aída Noblia:Hola a todos
Rudi Vansnick:3 minutes remaingn
Rudi Vansnick:2 minutes left
Heidi:@Rudi, please confirm you are taking the time.
Rudi Vansnick:I confirm Heidi
Heidi:Thank you!
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute left
Glenn McKnight:he has been reporting it through out
Heidi:You are reading my mind, Rudi :)
Leon Sanchez:i apologize for coming in late
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds
Glenn McKnight:Nice job Alan
Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:hay ruidos en el canal de espanhol
Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:por favor coloquem en mute
Glenn McKnight:I think you need to let the speaker know when his or her time is near the end
sergio salinas porto:alguien habla en el canal en español
Alan Greenberg:Thanks Glenn.
Glenn McKnight:Yes Evan
Rudi Vansnick:4 minutes left
Rudi Vansnick:3 minutes left
Rudi Vansnick:2 minutes left
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute left
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds ...
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:No, Olivier, can't hear you.
Oksana Prykhodko:I can't hear Olivier
Siranush Vardanyan:can't hear Olivier
Alberto Soto:yes
Glenn McKnight:Evan has a very clear vision of his Board role
Carlton Samuels:Howdy all
Rudi Vansnick:time goes now
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Staff, can you plz find a way to make the line of Olivier better?
Rudi Vansnick:4 minutes left
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Tijani - working on Olivier's line
Rudi Vansnick:3 minutes left
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:my line has dropped re dial me please
Rudi Vansnick:2 minutes left
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:listening in AC
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Cheryl - do you want a dial-out again?
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute left
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds ...
Gisella Gruber-White:Rinalia - please dont speak too fast for interpreters
Rudi Vansnick:4 minutes left
Rudi Vansnick:3 minutes left
Rudi Vansnick:... i stopped time
Rudi Vansnick:restarted
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you Rudi!!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thanks @rudi
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:you make a good 'time lord' :-)
Rudi Vansnick:2 minutes left
Gisella Gruber-White:REMINDER - PLEASE speak at a reasonable speed in order to allow for ACCURATE interpretation
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute left
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds ...
Glenn McKnight:someone's dog is barking. Please mute your phones
Glenn McKnight:Olivier your voice is very low
Rudi Vansnick:4 minutes left
Rudi Vansnick:3 minutes left
Oksana Prykhodko:It's a pity for us also - to have to choose only one from you!
Rudi Vansnick:2 minutes left
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute left
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds ...
Glenn McKnight:All did a great job
Beran Gillen:olivier's voice is still low
Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:agree with Glenn
Glenn McKnight:These are different than the wiki post?
Rudi Vansnick:time starts now
Rudi Vansnick:2 minutes left
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute left
Rudi Vansnick:2 minutes left
Glenn McKnight:I have a question but I think it prudent to type it hear so everyone doesn't forget the question
Rudi Vansnick:1minute 30 seconds
Glenn McKnight:My question to the candidate is ...
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Jean-Jacques - please speak louder
Alberto Soto:Telephone interpreting Spanish this fall ???
Alberto Soto:sorry is fall?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Alberto - do you not have interpretation?
Alberto Soto:@Gisella, no I don have
Alberto Soto:Please, call me again 54 11 5368 1318..
Fatima Cambronero:I have interpretation in the Spanish channel
Sylvia Herlein- LACRALO:is ok Gisella
Gisella Gruber-White:OK thank you! I had to confirm.
sergio salinas porto:is ok the interpretation in the Spanish channel!
Alberto Soto:es mi línea...
Fatima Cambronero::(
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds left
Alberto Soto:thanks, on line again...
Wolf Ludwig:This can be confirmed from here!
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds left
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds ...
Rudi Vansnick:sounds is broken up
ebw:very poor audio
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:can't hear Seb.
Rudi Vansnick:is OK now
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Sebastien's voice is breaking up.
Beran Gillen:Sebastian is breaking up
Darlene Thompson:Better now
Tijani BEN JEMAA:sorry, the voice of sebastien is not always clear
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds left
Glenn McKnight:QUESTION: As a ICANN Board member you will need to draw upon your network to help educate the public and media on various Internet Issues. What resources do you have to carry this out effectively?
Tijani BEN JEMAA:coming anf going
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Glenn, is your question addressed to all 5 of us, or anyone specifically?
Glenn McKnight:to all
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds ...
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:very poor audio
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Glenn: thanks.
Darlene Thompson:Thank you both very much.
Heidi Ullrich:@Sebastien, your audio just became better...
Rudi Vansnick:it was the time buzzer
Heidi Ullrich:@Rudi, very nice. Staff might use that for At-Large meetings during public meetings ;)
Rudi Vansnick:willing to help .. I'm in Singapore
Roberto:@heidi, we might think of a sort of clock in a window of adobe, if it is not too complicated
Roberto:@heidi - for the future obviously
Rudi Vansnick:time starts now
Glenn McKnight:can't understand him
Alan Greenberg:Seb garbled
Rudi Vansnick:@Roberto: i've been looking for that but did not find one
ebw:staff, the dead area in ac (agenda) is of little relevance, but this chat window is a live area. would you be so kind as to resize the windows?
Heidi Ullrich:@Sebastien, you are breaking up.
Heidi Ullrich:we are dialing out to you on you mobile
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Sebastien breaks up now and then.
Sebastien:I am on mobile now
Sebastien:hope it will be beter
Gisella Gruber-White:Jean-Jacques - please speak up!
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Q: Do any of you have any conflicts that would limit your full particpation in ICANN Board activities?
Glenn McKnight:You mean Conflict of Interest?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes
Glenn McKnight:want to make it's not fist a cups
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Carlton Samuels:I want to follow up on the Board population point raised by JJS
Rudi Vansnick:1 munite !
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Raise your hand, Carlton.
Carlton Samuels:There is a 'fig leaf' approach to constituency representation on the ICANN Board. And then there is a practical outcome from the referent criteria for board memebr selection.
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Carlton Samuels:If 'experience' in the ecosystem + 'board level experience and expertise' are highly prized, the natural progression is selection of people with interests in the domain name economy
Carlton Samuels:It is..well, let's say counterintuitive to have a contrary set of expectations!!
ebw:jjs, when you have a moment (not now), please remind me of the issue(s) voted on at nairobi (i was in reston with the rest of the registry/registrar stakeholder groups and mostly recall the board's vertical integration act at nairobi), and at beijing. thanks in advance.
Rudi Vansnick:time starts now
Beran Gillen:i did not hear Rinalia's response
ebw:again staff, can you resize the live window?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:@Beran, I said that the criteria are sufficient and rigorous because it combines the requirement of the general board candidate criteria with the additional criteria of the At-Large.
Oksana Prykhodko:классная фотка
sergio salinas porto:Dear friends I retire, I am proud to be part a community with this level of candidates, Strength to all! bye to all!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Bye, Sergio.
Oksana Prykhodko:не вижу своих ответов(
Beran Gillen:@Rinalia Thank you!!! line muted there for a sec
Rudi Vansnick:we start the 2 second round now !!!
Rudi Vansnick:time starts now
Sebastien 2:I was drop off
Sebastien 2:I am back on AC
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds ...
ebw:audio issue
Glenn McKnight:some ones phone
Rudi Vansnick:no it is the buzzer !!!
Glenn McKnight:Great
Glenn McKnight:thanks Rudi
Louis Houle:Sorry I have to leave. Good luck to candidates.
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Bye, Louis.
Rudi Vansnick:time starts now for Sebastien
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: THANKS for mentioning the social and economic issues for Internet from a development perspective
Carlton Samuels:+ the need to put Snowden in its proper perspective!
Glenn McKnight:Darlene and I asked questions from NARALO
Alan Greenberg:ALAC has been very careful in recent years about separating advice vs comments.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Indeed.
Carlton Samuels:@Rinalia: The Board response is fuzzy since they want to appear not to be bheolden to any group. If only we could 'disembody' advice then..
Carlton Samuels::-)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim::D
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Rudi Vansnick:- - - - 1 minute 30 seconds - - - -
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:with summary!
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds ...
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:The other issue is when the At-Large is split on its views and how that affects the effectiveness of the Board Director in advocating the user perspective.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Rinalia, in that case it is clearly the Director's duty to act in conscience, on the basis of best available information.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Indeed. :)
Rudi Vansnick:time starts now
Alan Greenberg:Interestingly, we have had remarkably times when At-Large has been greatly split (in recent years). The privacy issue on Whois was one in years gone by, but is not really there now.
ebw:gotta go pick up kids at school. bye!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:bye Eric
Rudi Vansnick:45 seconds left
Maureen Hilyard:Great question
Rudi Vansnick:1 minute 30 seconds
Alan Greenberg:And of course, language and accessibility (logical and physical) issues are right at the front of the issue.
Rudi Vansnick:- - - - 1 minute 30 seconds - - - -
Rudi Vansnick:30 seconds ...
Alan Greenberg:Yesh, let's put continental drift under the auspices of ICANN!
Carlton Samuels:Hmmm, interesting question. Thinking on my fett now, the facts are that the AP has been well-represented on the ICANN Board over time....maybe not as culturally diverse as the regional population but not underrepresented;
Carlton Samuels:@Rinalia: Peter Dengate Thrush; Bruce Tonkin; Chris Disspain....they from AP no?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Australia? :D
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Not rfully epresentative of the region.
Rudi Vansnick:- - - - 1 minute 30 seconds - - - -
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Lost Evan.
Rudi Vansnick:i hear Evan loud and clear
Alan Greenberg:Representation now is not great, but regardless of how we do regions, we will never have every group represented on the Board or whatever if we keep that body at a reasoable size. We need to fix the problem of mind-set and not just where you are from.
Rudi Vansnick:- - - - 1 minute 30 seconds - - - -
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Evan isn't on the AC but still on the phone bridge
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thank you all...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:had to take another call at top of hour no need to dial me back listening here
Siranush Vardanyan:Hard but very good work from all 5 candidates, thank you very much for your patience with a lot of questions, but you will have more when you become a board member:) Good luck to everyone.
Evan Leibovitch:Back in
Carlton Samuels:Thank you, all candidates.
Carlton Samuels:This was a VERY GOOD exercise
Heidi Ullrich:Adigo is on hold at Rinalia's hotel :(
Wolf Ludwig:@Olivier: Would like to have the floor at the end under 4. Next steps
Carlton Samuels:I gotta run to an event.. bye all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Wolf: ok
Evan Leibovitch:I would like a way to post my answer to the EURALO request on the Wiki
Heidi Ullrich:Additional questions have just been posted on the Q/A workspace
Heidi Ullrich:@Tijani, I believe you meant to say that NARALO has to still select their proxy voters rather than EURALO.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I think Tijani said NARALO
Heidi Ullrich:sorry, I thought I heard EURALO...
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks you all and good night!
Heidi Ullrich:Excellent call!! Thanks to all! Great participation!!
Alberto Soto:Thanks, bye all!
Siranush Vardanyan:Thank you all!
Oksana Prykhodko:YES!!! FIVE candidates!!!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you to all the candidates
Siranush Vardanyan:yes, I wish end user community has 5 board seats :)
Rudi Vansnick:see you all in Singapore
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Thank you all!
Evan Leibovitch:Thanks everyone
Silvia Vivanco:and to our Chair
sandra hoferichter:Thanks to all candidates and good night Europeans!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks to all the candidates ; thanks everyone
Silvia Vivanco:Bye bye
Fatima Cambronero:thanks to the candidates, thanks to all
Aída Noblia:Muchas Gracias a todos los candidatos y los presentes, . Buenas Noches
Rudi Vansnick:good night
Fatima Cambronero:bye
Jordi Iparraguirre:thanks, bye!
Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you all, thank you Olivier, bye!
Gordon Chillcott:Thank you!
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you all!
Roberto:In the original plan there were 9 at large seats
Adrian Carballo 3:good night