At-Large Webinar on the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-14) debrief
At-Large Webinar on the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-14) debrief 2014-11-24
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC./1114/01
Date: Monday, 24 November 2014
Time: 20:30 to 22:00 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Interpretation Available: YES: French and Spanish
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Conference ID: 1638 (EN) 1838 (FR) 1738 (ES)
EN: Grigori Saghyan, Roosevelt King, Anne-Rachel Inne, Veni Markovski, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Nigel Hickson, Garth Graham, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Alan Greenberg, Berry Cobb, Ron Sherwood, Oksana Prykhodko, Holly Raiche, Remmy Nweke, Leon Sanchez, Tarek Kamel, Mandy Carver, Judith Hellerstein, Seth Reiss, Julio Polito, Winthrop Yu, Yrjo Lansipuro, Glenn McKnight, Maritza Aguero, Loris Taylor, Otunte Otueneh, Alyne Andrade, Matthew Rantanen, Seun Ojedeji, Ephraim Percy Kenyanito, Evan Leibovitch, Tom Lowenhaupt, Antonio Medina Gomez, Sandra Hoferichter,
ES: Johnny Laureano, Fatima Cambronero, Aida Noblia, Alberto Soto
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew
Interpretors: ES: Sabrina
FR: Claire & Camila
Call Management: Terri Agnew
Recordings: EN, FR and ES
Transcript: EN, FR, ES
Adobe Connect Chat: EN
Welcome and Introduction to the Webinar on the ITU Plenipotenentiary Conference - Alan Greenberg, ALAC Chair (5 minutes)
ICANN Staff Overview (30 minutes)
Tarek Kamel, Sr. Advisor to the President - Gov. Engagement
- Introduction
Nigel Hickson, VP, IGO and IO Engagement
- What is PP? What does it do and what came out of Busan
Veni Markovski, VP- UN Engagement – New York
- ITU Resolutions touching Internet Governance
Anne-Rachel Inne, VP, Government Engagement - Geneva
PP Regional group meetings
Working with regulators and ministries at national level on IG
Question and Answer Session - Part I - Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)
View from the End-User Perspective (20 minutes)
- Yrjö Länsipuro – 2015 NomCom ALAC Representative; Europe Region
- Grigori Saghyan, Vice President at ISOC Armenia, Associate Professor at the Russian Armenian University: "Internet related Resolutions – what’s new"
Question and Answer Session - Part II - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)