At-Large Whois Briefing call 20 February 2013
At-Large Whois Briefing call 20 February 2013
Date: Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Time: 15h00 - 16h30 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/atlargewhois/
How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638
¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia? Spanish Conference ID = 1738
Comment participer a cette teleconference? French Conference ID = 1838
Participants: List of Participants
Staff: Margie Milam, Marika Konings, Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine
Summary minutes: EN, ES, FR
Action Items: EN, ES, FR
Recording: EN, ES, FR
Adobe Connect Recording: EN
Transcription: EN 2013-02-20, ES 2013-02-20 , FR 2013-02-20
AC Chat: Adobe Connect Chat Transcript 2013-02-20
Interpretation: Spanish & French
1) Welcome and WHOIS Basics - Carlton Samuels, Chair of the At-Large WHOIS Working Group (10 min)
- See: WHOIS RT Final Report
- See: Board Resolutions from Nov 2012
- See: Clause 3.2 of the current RAA
- See: Clause 3.3 of the current RAA
- See: WHOIS specifications per Appendix 5 of the .com Registry Agreement
- See: Inventory of WHOIS Service Requirements - Final Report
- See: Revised gTLD Registry Agreement with Public Interest Commitments Specification 2013-02-05
2) SSAC Perspectives on Security and Integrity Issues vis-a-vis WHOIS - Jim Galvin, SSAC and Afilias (10 min)
- See: SSAC's DNRD Model
3) Various Perspectives on WHOIS - Various Speakers (45 min)
Avri Doria
Evan Leibovitch
Michele Neylon
Alan Greenberg
Holly Raiche
Patrick Vande Walle
Garth Bruen
4) Questions and Answers - All (20 min)
5) Wrap Up - ALAC Perpsectives - Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC (5 min)
ALAC Statements on WHOIS
- ALAC Statement on the Thick Whois PDP WG - 22 January 2013
- ALAC Analysis of AoC WHOIS Report Recommendations - 11 September 2012
- ALAC Statement on the WHOIS AC SO Request - 28 August 2012
- ALAC Correspondence Endorsing the IPC's Statement on the .com Renewal and Thick Whois - 28 July 2012
- ALAC Statement on the WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report - 14 March 2012
- ALAC Statement on the Preliminary Issue Report on ‘Thick’ Whois - 30 December 2011
- ALAC Statement on WHOIS Review Team Policy - Discussion Paper - 26 July 2011
- ALAC Statement on the Whois Review Team - 17 April 2011
- ALAC Statement on the Recent WHOIS Reports - 11 May 2010
- ALAC Statement on Initial WHOIS Service Requirements Report - 10 May 2010
- ALAC Calls for Progress on WHOIS Privacy - 29 October 2003