Community Call with Board Liaison Candidates 20.09.09
Version Francaise
Versión en español
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0909/1
Date: Sunday 20 September 2009
Time: 18h00 - 19h30 UTC
11:00 PDT, 14:00 EDT, 15:00 Buenos Aires, 19:00 London, 20:00 CEST, 21:00 Nairobi, 02:00(+1) Singapore/Hong Kong, 04:00(+1) Sydney
Adobe Connect Room:
Meeting Description:
As set out in the 2009 Board Election Process < board liaison process 2009>(ce lien est disponible en anglais seulement/este enlace está disponible en Inglés solamente), a special purpose teleconference shall be arranged not earlier than Friday, 18th September and not later than Sunday, 20th September at which the candidates for Board Liaison as forwarded from the RALOs to the ALAC shall be provided an equal length of time to speak about their candidature. The ALAC Chair will determine the length of time each candidate will speak prior to the start of the call. This will be followed by a question and answer period during which community members may ask questions of the candidates. The call will also include an explanation of the election process for the board liaison as well as the implications for this position following the Board’s decision of 27th August 2009 for the At-Large community to select a voting director to the Board.
Interpretation Available: French and Spanish
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Comment est-ce qu'on peut participer à la téléconférence?
¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?
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Recording: English, Spanish, French
Transcript:English , Spanish , French
1. Introduction (Cheryl Langdon Orr)
- Purpose of Call
- Process of Call
- The length of the call will be 90 minutes. A 30 minute extension to the call will be optioned by mutual consent of those on the call if required.
- Each candidate attending will have 3 minutes to present their statements. The presentation of statements will be carried out in alphabetical order (by surname of the candidate).
- Each candidate attending will have 2 minutes to respond to questions or rebuttals from the other candidates. This process will be carried out in reverse alphabetical order (by surname of the candidate).
- Each candidate will then respond to questions from the floor or from this wiki. Questions will be taken in alphabetical order by RALO (by the first letter of each RALO), with one question from each RALO being asked each question cycle until all questions have been asked. The candidates will respond either as directed by the Questioner or if the question is directed to all candidates, the process will be carried out in alphabetical order (by surname of the candidate).
2. Board Liaison Election Process and Implications (Nick Ashton-Hart)
- Explanation of who will elect the Board Liaison
- Relationship between new Board Liaison and the At-Large process of selecting a voting Board Director
3. Introductions by Board Liaison Candidates (in alphabetical order by surname)
- Sébastien Bachollet
- Alan Greenberg
- Seth Reiss
- Vanda Scartezini
- Wendy Seltzer (Conflicts of Interest statement not supplied as of the time of the teleconference)
4. Questions and Answers
Questions from the floor and with notice will be taken in alphabetical order by RALO (by the first letter of each RALO), with one question from each RALO being asked each question cycle until all questions have been asked.
Statement and Presentations made during the Meeting
This section is available for the Board Liaison candidates to add links to written presentations and other additional information.
Sebastien Bachollet
Alan Greenberg
Seth Reiss
Vanda Scartezini
Vanda Scartezini Statement 20092009.docx
Wendy Seltzer
Reference Material:
Questions with Notice from the At-Large community:
Please find all questions and the answers provided by the candidates linked to the candidate pages:
No more questions will be taken into account after the community call of 20 September 2009.