Community Call on Travel Guidelines 14.05.09
Community Call on Travel Guidelines 14.05.09
ICANN Community Travel Support Guidelines
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.BUDFY10/0509/1
Date: Thursday, 14 May 2009
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC
(08:00PDT, 11:00 EDT, 12:00 Buenos Aires, 16 :00 London, 17:00 CEST, 23 :00 Singapore/Hong Kong. 01:00 Melbourne Friday 15 May)
Adobe Connect Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/travelsupport/
Meeting Description:
The purpose of the call is to summarize what we have heard from the community, the changes we are including in the FY10 Draft budget (in advance of its posting on 17 May), and the status of the updated travel policies/procedures/guidelines to be posted soon for further community feedback. We will also address the status of many of the less financially important, but historically time consuming for community and staff, issues.