At-Large Briefing Call on WHOIS issues

At-Large Briefing Call on WHOIS issues


Time: 04h00 - 05h00 UTC 

(For the time in various timezones click here)

Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/atlargewhois/


How can I participate in this meeting? 



Guest Speakers:


Summary minutes: EN

Action Items: EN

Recording: EN

Adobe Connect recording: EN

Transcription: EN

Documents: EN

AC Chat: EN

Agenda  -  to be updated

1. Introduction and Aims of Call - Charles Mok, Chair of APRALO (5 min)

2. Introduction to Whois - Liz Gasster, Senior Policy Counselor, ICANN Policy Support (5 min)

See: Introduction to Whois presentation\

3. Whois Review Team Draft Report - Seth Reiss, At-Large Representative on the Whois RT (15 min)

See: Whois Review Team Draft Report - Public Comment Announcement - Deadline: 18 March

See: Whois Review Team Draft Report presentation\

4. The SSAC Perspective - Jim Galvin, Vice-Chair of the SSAC (10 min)

See: SSAC presentation\

5. Questions and Answers - Holly Raiche (20 min)

6. Next Steps - Charles Mok (5 min)

See: At-Large WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report Workspace