ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) 2014.12.15 Mid-Monthly Teleconference

ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) 2014.12.15 Mid-Monthly Teleconference

ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Mid-Month Meeting

Date: Monday, 15 December 2014

Time: 17:00 - 18:30 UTC. For the time in various timezones click here

Meeting Number: AL.ALT/CC.1214/1

How can I participate in this meeting?          

Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/alacexcom


Participants: Holly Raiche, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Ron Sherwood, Glenn McKnight, Leon Sanchez, Alan Greenberg, Tijani Ben Jemaa

Liaisons: Maureen Hilyard (ccNSO), Julie Hammer (SSAC), 

Apologies: Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew

Call management: Terri Agnew

Action Items: ALT 2014.12.15 Action Items

Chat:              ALT 2014.12.15 AC Chat        

Recording:         English                

Interpretation:  No interpretation for this meeting

Transcript:              ALT  2014.12.15 Transcript                   



Standing Agenda Items

1.  Introduction and Review of Agenda - Alan Greenberg (3 minutes)

2.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 minutes)

Items for Discussion

3. IANA Stewardship Transition - Next Steps - Alan Greenberg and Olivier Crepin-Leblond (10 minutes)

4. Accountability CCWG - Next Steps - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)

See: Enhancing ICANN Accountability - Work Stream 1

5. Finance and Budget Sub-Committee - Composition and Next Steps - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)

See: FBSC Workspace, including current composition

6. FY16 AC/SO Special Requests: Next Steps - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)

See: At-Large FY16 Budget Development Workspace

7. ICANN 52 At-Large Meeting Schedule - Alan Greenberg, Léon Sánchez and Gisella Gruber (10 minutes)

See: At-Large ICANN 52 - February 2015 Workspace

8. ALAC Agenda Items for the 23 December Meeting - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)

see: ALAC Monthly Teleconference Agenda - 2014.12.23

9. ALAC Policy Development Activities - Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)

a. Statements approved by the ALAC:

  • None

b. Statements that seem to be stalled or require a decision: 

c. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decides not to submit Statements: 

d. New Public Comment requests requiring decision: 

10. ATLAS II Recommendations - Next Steps - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)

See: Post ATLAS II Activities Workspace

11. Upcoming At-Large Review - Alan Greenberg, Holly Raiche and Cheryl Langdon-Orr (5 minutes)

12. ALAC and the Next Round of new gTLDs - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)

13. Feedback on At-Large Staff Workshop - Alan Greenberg and Heidi Ullrich (5 minutes)

14. Any Other Business - Alan Greenberg (5 minutes)