ALT 2014.12.15 AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Mid-Month Meeting on Monday, 15 December 2014 at 17:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Glenn McKnight:Hi All
Alan Greenberg:Disling in
Glenn McKnight:Muted
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Terri Agnew:We are finding line
Leon Sanchez:what is that calling tone we hear='
Leon Sanchez:obviously a call tone :P
Holly Raiche:May I have a dial out again - sorry
Terri Agnew:@Holly - yes
Holly Raiche:Isn't that yet another reason NOT to have a Contract Co?
Holly Raiche:I think that was what the SSAC 069 asking
Terri Agnew:Welcome Tijani Ben Jemaa
Holly Raiche:@ OCL - look at SSAc 069 that talks about severability
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Holly -- exactly - and we'd need to think about how that severability could work
Holly Raiche:@ OCL - thanks - what I was thinking - will put that on the wiki
Terri Agnew:CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability Home
Ariel Liang:Our Members have been updated to the CCWG page:
Leon Sanchez:Could we have a call later today? or maybe tomorrow morning?
Terri Agnew:FBSC Workspace:
Glenn McKnight:Eduardo said he is too busy. I volunteered
Glenn McKnight:hand up
Terri Agnew:@Glenn, check your mute
Glenn McKnight:muted one sec
Terri Agnew:@Glenn, we are hearing an echo
Glenn McKnight:Muted
Heidi Ullrich:The deadline for the AC/SO requests for FY16 is 28 Feb 2015
Terri Agnew:At-Large ICANN 52 - February 2015 Workspace:
Holly Raiche:Do we have a schedule for ALAC as yet?
Heidi Ullrich:All, please note that Gisella is the staff manager for the development of At-Large meetings at ICANN meetings. She is working closely with Leon on the schedule
Terri Agnew:@Leon, your audio is choppy
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I cannot hear Leon clearly
Holly Raiche:Leon- I"ll have a suggesion for an issue
Alan Greenberg:Holly, do you want to meet?
Heidi Ullrich:Please note that I will be working with Alan on the agendas for the ALAC and ALT meetings.
Alan Greenberg:zSorry, speak?
Holly Raiche:@ Alan - what do you mean? Meet about what. My suggestion was about a meeting on privacy since it is now an issue in the PSIA, EWG and an implementation group
Holly Raiche:@ Leon - any space for even a short session on privacy?
Maureen Hilyar:The date and time for the meeting is good to keep up our profile with the ccNSO community - to discuss what is considered of importance to both groups closer to the time
Leon Sanchez:@Holly, I will keep it in mind for sure. Would that session involve SSAC?
Holly Raiche:@ Leon - no, I don't hink so. But it goes across two GNSO WGs
Leon Sanchez:@Holly Ok. How much time would you like me to allocate?
Holly Raiche:@ Leon - at this stage, probably an hour since anything more is not likely anyway
Glenn McKnight:@Leon The Technology Taskforce would like a time slot to provide an update
Glenn McKnight:We would need one hour
Holly Raiche:We will have a TERRIFIC showcase
Leon Sanchez:@Glenn Yes, how much time would you need? We can provide an update on either one of the ALAC work sessions
Leon Sanchez:The meeting with the GAC is considered and included on the second draft
Gisella Gruber:@ All - we are working on GAC session
Gisella Gruber:Topic have to be sent through with request
Gisella Gruber:Topics sorry
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Topic: IANA Stewardship Transition. Topic 2: PIcs
Leon Sanchez:Also Accountability
Leon Sanchez:that's another topic to discuss with GAC
Leon Sanchez:ok
Terri Agnew:ALAC Monthly Teleconference Agenda - 2014.12.23:
Heidi Ullrich:I would think the AC/SO requests will need to be discussed
Terri Agnew:25 minutes left in scheduled duration, but can run longer if needed
Heidi Ullrich:@OCL, yes, I have an AI for those items
Terri Agnew:Policy Advice Development Page:
Terri Agnew:ICANN Public Comment page:
Terri Agnew:ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan:
Terri Agnew:Cross Community Working Group (CWG) on Naming Related Functions Draft Transition Proposal :
Terri Agnew 2:IDN TLD Program - Label Generation Ruleset (LGR) Tool Project (P1) - LGR Tool Set Specifications :
Ariel Liang:yes very annoying :)
Terri Agnew 2:Proposed Renewal of .JOBS Sponsored TLD Registry Agreement :
Glenn McKnight:noepe
Terri Agnew 2:Release of Country and Territory Names within the .BMW and .MINI TLDs :
Terri Agnew 2:Post-ATLAS II Activities Workspace:
Glenn McKnight:We focused first on the Board recommendations first and the rest has been been lower priority
Glenn McKnight:In the TTF we have provided feedback on the two recommendations
Glenn McKnight:Some of the recommendations are very broad without any staff or budget
Glenn McKnight:Need to go to another meeting
Terri Agnew 2:goodbye Glenn
Heidi Ullrich:I've corrected the agenda item to At-Large review
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Dropped
Terri Agnew 2:Tijani has rejoined audio
Tijani BEN JEMAA:thx
Ariel Liang:Relevant staff is working on update the workplan for the next round:
Heidi Ullrich:See:
Heidi Ullrich:WG portal -
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I wanted to comment on the previous agenda item 12. If the ALAC is asked "what is the ALAC doing for the next round of new gTLDs", the response is "what is ICANN doing with regards to consumer metrics?"
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The issue of consumer metrics has been unbelievably inexistent.... or at least I have heard NOTHING about it
Holly Raiche:@ OCL - Atthe LA meeting, lotsof issues were raised - tha should be answered before the next round
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Consumer Metrics?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:A next round cannot even be contemplated until we see the results of consumer metrics
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:have the new gTLDs serve the Public Interest?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:forget the money forget if they have not caused problem - the proviso was that the launch of new gTLDs should serve the public interest
Holly Raiche:Consumer metrics were ceertainly talked about - as well as the effectiveness of support for some applicants, etc
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:no metrics. no new gTLDs should be the ALAC line.
Ron Sherwood:Goodbye all, thank you, Ron
Ariel Liang:thank you all bye bye
Maureen Hilyar:bye all