draft agenda for 09_december_2008
Please note that P Dandjinou and M Cade from the President’s Strategy Committee have been invited for a discussion with the ALAC... The Agenda will break when these guests have arrived and resume at the close of our discussions with them...
Standing Agenda Items
- Adoption of the Agenda – 1 min
- Roll Call Apologies from Members (if any) - 1 min
- Adoption of the last Summary Minutes
- Review of the current action items - 8 mins
- Review of current status of ALS applications (Google Docs account needed to access) - 5 mins
- Reports
- ExCom Activities
- Liaison reports
Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant.
- IDN Report - at https://st.icann.org/idn-policy/index.cgi?liaison_monthly_report
- Board Liaison Report
- ccNSO Report - (please place a link to your report page here)
- NCUC - (please place a link to your report page here)
- SSAC - (please place a link to your report page here)
- GNSO Liaison report
- Brief report - full report to follow.
- dotMOBI Liaison Reports
9. Working Group Reports: (Please insert below)
10. RALO Reports: (may be inserted below)
11. Issues to be raised at the ICANN Board Meeting
12. Ratification and Status of ALAC Statements (see Decision Items below)
Items for Decision at This Meeting:
1. Adopt Letter to the Board on public participation in Cairo (Links to items to be raised at the Board Meeting forthcoming)
2. New gTLD Guidebook (finalise working groups for the different modules) ALAC will use the Jan 7th End date for Comment to allow multilingual involvement from our regions.
3. Ratification of an appointed ALAC member to the GNSO OSC (GNSO deadline Dec 8th)and establishment of Support WG
4. At-Large/ALAC Statement on the ALAC WG Review WG mid-point consultation report (Public Comment period ends 12 December 08) - see reference material below
> Draft Motion: The ALAC directs that comments will be taken from the At-Large community on the draft, via comments entered on the wiki page, until 12th December. If no substantive comments are received, the ALAC hereby adopts the text of the present statement as written. If substantive comments are received, then a group composed of (insert members) shall incorporate them into a final text which shall be made available via the ALAC-Announce list not later than 15th December. The ALAC shall vote on ratification of the amended statement statement from 16th to 23rd December inclusive. The ALAC also directs that this procedure, and the present version of the statement, shall be communicated to the BGC ALRWG by the At-Large Staff.
5. Adoption of ALAC Statement on Draft Implementation Plan for IDN ccTLDs (ends 09 January 09) - See reference material below
> Draft Motion: The ALAC endorses the Draft Statement, subject to non-substantive editing for grammar and style and to a review by the At-Large IDN Liaison to ensure that the statement remains congruent with the latest IDN Fast Track Draft dated 26th November 2008. If the IDN Liaison believes that the Statement must be amended, these shall be proposed by the Liaison in writing on or before 15th December, and the text as amended shall be posted for a seven day vote to commence on 16th December and conclude on 23rd December.
Items for Discussion Only
- How, when and by whom should the agenda for ALAC meetings be developed? (items proposed by A Peake/C Langdon-Orr; See also email by D Younger )
- At-Large’s involvement in the President’s Strategy Committee (P Dandjinou and M Cade will join the discussion)
- Next steps (including timeline planning) in ALS<=>RALO<=>ALAC input into the PSC work and IIC
- Next steps (including timeline planning) in ALS<=>RALO<=>ALAC input into New gTLD Guidebook
Any Other Business
Reference Materials for Review
ALAC Statement on the ALAC Review WG mid-point consultation report
Announcement Comment Period ALAC WG mid-point consultation report: English, Español, Français
ALAC Review WG mid-point consultation report: English, Français, Español (PDF)
Draft Implementation Plan for IDN ccTLDs (English only)
Fast Track IDN Implementation Draft Statement (04 November version)
Announcement public comment period
Draft Implementation Plan (26 November 2008 Version) (PDF, 256KB). Previous version will be linked shortly.
In the process of making revisions to this page you have eliminated Patrick's comments. His remarks are reproduced here:
I would like this meeting to address several points:
Meeting format: there is no place to actually talk about substance. The ALAC spends a lot of time on process and nearly none on policy.
Meeting schedules: there is no way to find a time slot convenient for everyone for teleconferences. Hence, it would be fair to "spread the nuisance" by rotating the meetings hours, e.g. rotating between early afternoon for Asia-Pacific on month n, then early afternoon for Europe/Africa on month n+1 and then early afternoon for America on month n+2.
Community input:
How do we get a comprehensive list of requests for comments
How do we prioritize them. Especially, which could be dealt with directly by the ALAC, by a WG of the ALAC, what needs to be sent to the At-Large community ?
Who should take action to ask for community input ? Given that we always work with tight deadlines, we cannot just wait for the next teleconference to launch an internal At-Large process.
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-12-05 04:04:24 GMT