Structured work flow - Proposed by Vice Chair Vanda Scartezini and supported in principle by the ALAC ExCo at their meeting on 30/11/07
ALAC shall work as the board works, dividing tasks among its members, to guarantee some results. Looks impossible to achieve results working all the time with a enormous amount of emails and a large number of the people as in an assembly.
May proposal is the following:
The liaisons with other constituencies or working groups shall be the "chair" of a committee related to that specific constituency/WG the liaison is working for.
These committees will have defined and clear tasks, including propose statements to public forum, raises new issues to be presented at specific forum, changes
To populate the committees the any fellow from at large community may participate, but would be good to have one of each Ralo, but this can not be mandatory, since depend upon the skill and the interest of each fellow.
Each committee shall have 5 or less persons to allow an objective debate and quick results.
Each committee shall have its own email closed list. (and a sub WIKI page)
Committees will send their statements or proposals to the ALAC board that shall have no more than 1 week to make suggestion and post the statement/proposal.
If it is a statement we shall post at public comment page, if it is a proposal it will be posted at ALAC page to allow public comment.
- RALO relationship*.
We need to have a specific meeting agenda to each RALO members with some periodicity. To make it more useful I believe we could use ourselves from the board, as the responsible to talk with the regional RALO we belong.
This could be arranged with more facility than have a world wide teleconference. And will work better – less people, n
We need to set up a common agenda , each regional group meet and then post the summary of the meeting at our WIKI - comments are open and RALOs can get positions, propose issues from these conclusions and we will have the issues flowing through.
Day by day activity
We, as a group, need learn to work using the wiki, avoiding the excess of emails that just pollute the debate instead of add value to it. Teleconferences were bad at board and are not better at ALAC. We need to find out another better and may be cheap way to get together. Lest try skype or other tools. I know connection in some places are also bad, but we could also call by phone using skype or other tool. As a board we have tried different telecom operators but depend upon where people was, the connection became awfull. This is one issue we need to work with staff to try a solution!
New issues
Create a temporary working group, with a formal task and time to produce a result, working at the same way the committees, but more open to participants
Mini ALACs raised by and connected to specific issues seems like a good idea to me and so I endorse it. But we need to understand that we don't have to weigh in on every issue there is!
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2007-12-04 15:03:28 GMT
I don't agree with closed lists. All should at least be fed into a common list whereby one can subscribe to "alaclists" and get a feed from all ALAC communications. Otherwise, one has to sign on to new lists with each new development.
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2007-12-04 15:15:04 GMT